Sign In | Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams, the hub for team collaboration in Microsoft 365, integrates the people, content, and tools your team needs to be more engaged and effective. sign in now.
Microsoft Teams
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Download Microsoft Teams Desktop and Mobile Apps | Microsoft Teams
Download Microsoft Teams for desktop and mobile and get connected across devices on Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android. Collaborate better with the Microsoft Teams app.
登录 | Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams 是 Microsoft 365 中的团队合作中心,可整合团队所需的人员、内容和工具,促进团队参与、提高工作效率。 立即注册。
视频会议、会议、通话 | Microsoft Teams
AI 生成的会议记录目前仅在 Microsoft Teams 高级版 中可用。 Microsoft Teams 让协作更轻松。 所有工具和文件都整合在一个位置,旨在帮助你轻松自如地建立联系、保持有序并将想法付诸 …
Download Microsoft Teams Desktop and Mobile Apps | Microsoft …
Connect and collaborate with anyone from anywhere using the Teams progressive web app (PWA). Stay focused, work together, and achieve more with one platform for all your …
Get started with Microsoft Teams
Get Microsoft Teams on all your devices. We have desktop apps for Windows, MacOS, and Linux, as well as mobile apps for iOS and Android.
Free Microsoft Teams | Microsoft Teams
Learn how the free version of Teams can help you seamlessly meet and chat with others, share files online, and collaborate with anyone, from anywhere - all in one app. Get the all-in-one …
Video Conferencing, Meetings, Calling | Microsoft Teams
Get Teams accounts for up to six people, plus Microsoft 365 apps and advanced security. Empower your employees to get more done and transform the way they work. Grow your …
Microsoft Teams - Wikipedia
Microsoft Teams is a team collaboration application developed by Microsoft as part of the Microsoft 365 family of products, offering workspace chat and video conferencing, file storage, …