TEOST® Trident - Tannas & King
The technique, known as TEOST ® 33C, became ASTM D6335, and Savant Labs received a Chrysler Technology Award in 1993. Additional work proved successful in modifying the TEOST ® to measure deposits on a thin-film of circulating oil. This lower, but constant temperature application, correlated to the piston ring belt area of the combustion engine.
Higher temperature oxidation phenomena that occur more quickly above 300oC are well simulated by the TEOST 33C method. On the other hand, a phenomena like build up of carbonaceous deposits that happens over a longer time and at lower temperatures fit …
影响发动机油高温氧化沉积物(TEOST 33C)的因素分析 - 道客巴巴
2017年3月6日 · 关键词发动机油添加剂TEOST33C沉积物节能和环保是推动汽车发展的原动力,各大设备原厂商简称OEM利用先进的技术对发动机进行技术改进,以减少排放,提高...
TEOST®- Universal Analytical Technology China
The TEOST® 33C test simulates the effect of engine operating conditions on the oxidation and deposit-forming tendencies of engine oils, especially in the high-temperature Turbocharger area. The TEOST MHT® test simulates similar effects and conditions found in the ring belt and piston ring areas of the engine.
ASTM D8447 - Turbo Charger Deposits by Thermo-Oxidation
The original turbocharger bench test, TEOST® 33C, was developed in the early 1990s to screen engine oils by their tendency to form coking deposits within the elevated temperature zones of the turbocharger.
为了对发动机油的高温沉积物进行研究,90年代初期克莱斯勒公司开发了teost 33c试验方法,用于评定与涡轮增压器部件接触的发动机油沉积物形成趋势,试验最高温度达到480℃左右,用于高档汽油机油沉积物的测定。
影响发动机油高温氧化沉积物(TEOST33C)的因素分析 - 百度学术
基于ASTM D6335-09《发动机油高温氧化沉积物测定法 (TEOST/33C法)》,采用热氧化模拟试验仪 (TEOST),考察了汽油发动机油中主要添加剂——抗氧剂,分散剂,清净剂和摩擦改进剂剂对油品高温清净性的影响,并基于以上考察提出了改善油品高温清净性的可能途径. 百度学术集成海量学术资源,融合人工智能、深度学习、大数据分析等技术,为科研工作者提供全面快捷的学术服务。 在这里我们保持学习的态度,不忘初心,砥砺前行。
与克莱斯勒汽车公司合作开发了改进的、非常高温循环的技术可成功模拟混合机油涡轮增压器润滑油的温度。这项技术即为 TEOST 33C , ASTM D6335 。 1993 年, Savant 实验室获得了克莱斯勒科技奖。 另一项工作是成功的改进 TEOST 测量薄膜循环油的沉积。这是相对低的 ...
TEOST® Trident - Integrated Scientific
The technique, known as TEOST ® 33C, became ASTM D6335, and Savant Labs received a Chrysler Technology Award in 1993. Additional work proved successful in modifying the TEOST ® to measure deposits on a thin-film of circulating oil. This lower, but constant temperature application, correlated to the piston ring belt area of the combustion engine.
[Tannas]TEOST发动机油高温氧化沉积模拟测试仪 [Tannas]TEOST …
Tannas的高温氧化沉积模拟测试仪(TEOST)测量发动机油在各种高温条件下形成沉积的“高温沉积趋势”。 该设备用于ILSAC GF系列规范所要求的测试;可执行API SL、SM、SN、ASTM D4485、GB-11121等标准要求的测试。
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