Adaptive tip-enhanced nano-spectroscopy - Nature
2021年6月8日 · To address this problem, we present adaptive tip-enhanced nano-spectroscopy optimizing the nano-optical vector-field at the tip apex. Specifically, we demonstrate dynamic wavefront shaping of...
Gating Single-Molecule Fluorescence with Electrons
2024年10月8日 · Tip-enhanced photoluminescence (TEPL) measurements are performed with subnanometer spatial resolution on individual molecules decoupled from a metallic substrate by a thin NaCl layer. TEPL spectra reveal progressive fluorescence quenching with decreasing tip-molecule distance when electrons tunneling from the tip of a scanning tunneling ...
Hybrid Tip-Enhanced Nanospectroscopy and Nanoimaging of …
Using combined tip-enhanced Raman scattering and photoluminescence (PL) nanospectroscopy and nanoimaging, we study the associated effects on the excitonic properties in monolayer WSe 2 grown by physical vapor deposition. With ∼15 nm spatial resolution, we resolve nanoscale correlations of PL spectral intensity and shifts with crystal edges ...
文献分享 | 《Nature Photonics:亚纳米分辨率的单分子光致发光成 …
近年来,针尖增强拉曼光谱技术 (tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy, TERS) 将单个分子的光学表征空间分辨率提升至亚纳米尺度。 与TERS中光散射过程不同,具有相似分辨率的光致发光 (photoluminescence, PL) 成像由于荧光在金属附近会发生猝灭无法实现亚纳米级的突破。
In the implementation of adaptive TEPL (a-TEPL) and adaptive TERS (a-TERS), we achieve consistent improvement in field enhancement by optimizing the excitation wavefront for a given...
Tip-enhanced photoluminescence nano-spectroscopy and nano …
In this review, we discuss the fundamental working mechanism of PL enhancement by plasmonic tip, and then highlight recent advances in TEPL studies for low-dimensional quantum materials.
[2009.06881] Adaptive tip-enhanced nano-spectroscopy
2020年9月15日 · Tip-enhanced nano-spectroscopy and -imaging, such as tip-enhanced photoluminescence (TEPL), tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (TERS), and others, have become indispensable from materials science to single molecule studies.
[1601.01364] Hybrid tip-enhanced nano-spectroscopy and
2016年1月7日 · Using combined tip-enhanced Raman scattering (TERS) and photoluminescence (TEPL) nano-spectroscopy and -imaging, we study the associated effects on the excitonic properties in monolayer WSe2 grown by physical vapor deposition (PVD).
Ultrastable tip-enhanced hyperspectral optical nanoimaging
2022年7月15日 · A similar near-field technique for nanoscale optical imaging is the tip-enhanced photoluminescence (TEPL) (7–9). In both these techniques, a metallic nanotip is used to enhance and confine the light field within a nanometric volume in the vicinity of the tip apex through plasmon resonance, and the sample is probed through this confined light ...
2022年4月19日 · 因此,空间分辨率更高的 尖端增强拉曼散射(ters) 和 尖端增强光致发光(tepl) 也广泛应用于进一步表征材料纳米尺度的结构、电子或形态异质性。 TERS和TEPL在新型二维材料表征中是如何应用的?