Teradyne Self Service Licensing Portal : Login
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PBT Self Service Licensing - Teradyne
Teradyne Self Service Licensing (SSL) is a license management system that provides customers with direct control of their software licensing activity. Teradyne SSL provides your site with self-administration capability for faster, more efficientaccess to your site’s licenses, improving productivity and asset utilization.. Teradyne SSL site administrators can …
PBT 软件授权自助服务 - Teradyne
Teradyne Self Service Licensing (SSL) is a license management system that provides customers with direct control of their software licensing activity. Teradyne SSL provides your site with self-administration capability for faster, more efficientaccess to your site’s licenses, improving productivity and asset utilization.. Teradyne SSL site administrators can …
PBT Teradyne SSL FAQ | Teradyne
The Teradyne SSL portal administrator from your organization should have knowledge of where the purchased licenses should be allocated on your Teradyne systems. Usually this is a tester manager and not the purchaser. They will be involved with access the Teradyne SSL portal and loading the necessary licenses on a given system.
eKnowledge 24/7 Self-Service Support Portal - Teradyne
Teradyne is one of the only semiconductor test equipment companies to develop a global 24/7 self-service support portal for our customers. eKnowledge, part of the LINK umbrella, contains an intelligent search engine that provides test information centrally located at your fingertips. eKnowledge is continually refreshed with the latest technical information.
SSL. 文件如下 : C:\Program Files (x86)\Teradyne\SSL (on Win 7) C:\Program Files\Teradyne\SSL (on Win XP) 常见. SSL. 使用有如下3种情况,但是每一种情况都需要能找到一台能连接外部网络的电 脑或端口。这3 种方法的英文操作手册在测试电脑中路径如下:C:\Program Files (x86)\Teradyne\SSL ...
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Teradyne Sign In
Teradyne Single Sign-On. Log in using your TER credentials to access Teradyne applications, including InSite, Connections and eKnowledge. You are being asked to log ...
PBT 泰瑞达 SSL FAQ - Teradyne
贵组织所指定的泰瑞达 ssl 门户管理员必须清楚应该将购买的许可分配至泰瑞达系统的何处。 通常,管理员应当是测试设备经理,而不是采购员。 因为他们需要参与访问泰瑞达 ssl 门户,以及在给定系统上加载必要的许可等。
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