EBCI TERO – Tribal Employment Rights of Office for the Eastern …
By providing hiring and contracting preference, TERO works to increase fair employment of EBCI citizens and other tribal citizens, and to promote growth and professionalism of Native-owned businesses with the overall goal of reducing discrimination in employment.
CTER | Council for Tribal Employment Rights | Home
The Council for Tribal Employment Rights is a national nonprofit organization assisting tribal governments in recognizing and implementing their sovereign rights to put Native Americans to work first.
TERO provides protection, advocacy, and enforcement of Indian Preference Law in all SWO employment and contracting. What is TERO? TERO stands for Tribal Employment Rights Ordinance or Office.
TERO FAQ – Council for Tribal Employment Rights
TERO stands for Tribal Employment Rights Ordinance or Office. TERO Ordinances require that all employers who are engaged in operating a business on reservations give preference to qualified Indians in all aspects of employment, contracting and other business activities.
Tribal Programs - U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
TEROs assist the EEOC in carrying out the Commission’s responsibilities by ensuring that Native Americans and Alaska Natives know, understand and exercise their rights as they relate to, not only Indian preference requirements on reservations, but also other workplace issues such as harassment and different terms and conditions of employment.
Tribal Employment Rights Office - Tohono O'odham Nation
TERO will eradicate employment discrimination and increase employment of Indians through establishing synergistic relationships with organizations that service tribal members by promoting employment, training, educational, and economic development opportunities.
Blackfeet Tribal Employment Rights Office
TERO is the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Representative (EEOC) on the Blackfeet Reservation. TERO requires all businesses, contractors, and subcontractors to utilize preference in hiring qualified TERO certified workers while doing business within or near the exterior boundaries of the Blackfeet Reservation.
Tribal Employment Rights Ordinance | WSDOT
Each federally recognized tribal nation is a unique sovereign government and each tribal nation operates its own TERO office with varying strategies and policies to protect the employment rights of their tribal workforce.
Tribal Employment Rights Offices - Civil Rights - MnDOT
TERO programs enforce tribally enacted American Indian preference law, which ensures American Indians gain their rightful share of employment, training, contracting, subcontracting and business opportunities occurring on or near reservations.
TERO - Puyallup Tribe
Tribal Employment Rights Office (TERO) protects tribal sovereignty by supporting tribal member self-sufficiency through enforcing Indian preference requirements in employment, training, and contracting opportunities.