Fabric Geocells - Terram
Manufactured from permeable geotextile fabric, TERRAM Fabric Geocells are a cost effective solution with multiple applications, enabling reduced projects costs and lower environmental …
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Combat slope erosion and stabilise surfaces using TERRAM GEOCELL. Using TERRAM GEOCELL to control erosion ensures better resistance to the erosive effects of wind and water …
Terram HDPE Geocells | 3D Cellular Confinement System
Terram HDPE Geocells reduce the risk of structural failures, by improving soil stabilisation, load transfer, and erosion control. Geocells prevent platform settlement and deformation, and …
Geocell | Cellular Confinement System | Erosion Control - TERRAM
Terram geocells are a three dimensional cellular confinement system manufactured from permeable geotextile fabric and are expanded on-site to form a honeycomb-like structure …
TERRAM Geocell - Erosion Control
TERRAM Geocell is a cellular confinement system fabricated from permeable geotextile, and used to combat erosion on slopes up to 45 degrees. The permeable nature of the geotextile …
Terram Geocell | Tree Root Protection | Ground Reinforcement
The Tree Root Protection geocells are manufactured from the TERRAM range of permeable geotextiles that allow air and water to move freely across the root area from cell to cell. The …
TERRAM Geocells | Slope Erosion Control | Stabilisation | Tree …
TERRAM Geocell 3D cellular confinement system for soil stabilisation, slope erosion control, load platforms and tree root protection. Terram Geocell panels are expanded on-site to form a …
TERRAM™ GEOCELL - TERRAM - PDF Catalogs | Documentation
Combat slope erosion and stabilise surfaces using TERRAM GEOCELL. Using TERRAM GEOCELL to control erosion ensures better resistance to the erosive effects of wind and water …
TERRAM Geocell is a three dimensional geocellular confinement system designed for steep slopes, river banks, ditches, spillways, and other exposed areas that are often prone to …
TERRAM Geocell is fabricated using a geotextile so it is permeable and allows water to flow between cells encouraging drainage and vegetation. It is supplied as compact man-handleable …