Tessie - Lekovi
Short term alleviation of situational anxiety and fear in dogs triggered by noise or owner departure.
Tessie - European Medicines Agency (EMA)
2021年10月13日 · This medicine is authorised for use in the European Union. Up-to-date information on this veterinary medicinal product is available on the Veterinary Medicines …
Orion Animal Health’s Tessie® (tasipimidine) receives positive …
The Committee for Medical Products for Veterinary Use (CVMP) of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) has recommended Tessie® (tasipimidine) for marketing authorisation in the European Union. The compound is indicated for short term alleviation of situational anxiety and fear in dogs triggered by noise or owner departure.
Up-to-date information on this veterinary medicinal product is available on the Veterinary Medicines Information website. Official address Domenico Scarlattilaan 6 1083 HS Amsterdam The Netherlands
Tessie 0.3 mg/ml - Oral solution | UPD - Europa
Packaging:Bottle (glass), Package_size:1 bottle + 1 oral syringe, Content:15 mlTessie 0.3 mg/ml - Oral solution
Tesie Black Chabet | Hundeprofil - Informationen und Daten - working-dog
Alle relevanten Informationen sowie Bilder, Videos und einen detaillierten Stammbaum zu Tesie Black Chabet findest du bei working-dog.
Bijsluiter Tessie 0,3 mg/ml - Dierenkliniek Tiel-Drumpt
Tessie 0,3 mg/ml drank voor honden. 1. Naam en adres van de houder van de vergunning voor het in de handel brengen en de fabrikant verantwoordelijk voor vrijgifte, indien verschillend. 2. …
4.4 Specjalne ostrzeżenia dla każdego z docelowych gatunków zwierząt Typowymi objawami niepokoju i lęku są: dyszenie, drżenie, dreptanie (częsta zmiana miejsca, bieganie w kółko, nerwowość), szukanie towarzystwa ludzi (wspinanie się, chowanie się, uderzanie łapąmi, podążanie za ludźmi), ukrywanie się (pod meblami, w ciemnych pomieszczeniach), próby ucieczki, zamieranie w ...
TESSIE 0,3 mg/ml | VetCompendium
Firma/MAH Orion Corp Registratienummer EU/2/21/276/001 Doeldier hond Samenstelling tasipimidine: 0,3 mg/ml Farmaceutische vorm oplossing Toedieningsweg po Posologie Ca: 30 µg/kg max 3 x pd (max 9 d) Verpakking fles 15 ml + spuit Voorschrift R/ Link SKP
Pedigree of dog TESIE JISUKO of breed Боксер - ICA.DOG
Boxer Puppies Knitting Brothers and sisters ContactContact owner This is my dog Puppies Knitting Brothers and sisters ContactContact owner This is my dog Breed:Boxer Floor: Female Age: Weight: Growth: Color: Home nickname: Located: Owner: ICA#948-360-805 Father: QUIJOTE D'ESGLAI Mother: Was born: Breeder: Nursery: Chip/Stamp: Information