真金不怕火炼 | BW 3UZ-FE引擎台架测试 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
小史和引擎工作室其他成员,用了一天的时间,完成了这台3uz-fe进行测试的准备工作:连接管路、线束、传感器、ecu,确保引擎可以顺利进行测试 德功为旗下所覆盖到的强化引擎,定制了专用的排气系统
为什么都改3uz发动机?1uz2uz3uz发动机区别 - 车主指南
2020年6月5日 · 3UZ发动机的可靠性和耐用性都非常高,而且是一台性价比比较高的发动机,主要安装在丰田的高端的轿车上,主要是 雷克萨斯 的车型上。 另外,3uz发动机在丰田4.3L、老款的雷克萨斯ls-430、丰田 皇冠 、 红旗 盛世 上也有使用。 3UZ发动机原厂最大动力输出282马力,在5600转时爆发。 最大扭矩为417牛米,在3400转时达到最大扭矩。 如果加装机械增压最高可达400马力,加装一个涡轮增压动力输出最高可达450马力,加装两个涡轮增压动力输出最高可 …
关于丰田UZ发动机的10个事实 - 懂车帝
2023年2月8日 · 在1uz-fe之后,出现了不受欢迎的铸铁2uz-fe,其最大输出功率为232马力。然而,3uz-fe的数据高达300马力,因为uz恢复了状态。丰田在多个车型上搭载了uz系列发动机。 可调性
3UZ-FE 4.3L Engine - In-Depth Look at Design and Reliability
Like its predecessor and all UZ family, the 3UZ-FE is very reliable and extremely durable engine. It has no standard problems or design issues. Make required maintenance, use high-quality oil, fuel, original Toyota's parts (filters, bolts, etc.) and the 3UZ-FE engine will run more than 300,000 miles (500,000 km).
Watch Johny's 3uz Engine Management Test Run In Action!
We designed the harness as a standalone unit that operates with the OEM 3UZ engine management computer. Additionally, we flashed the ECU to suit his specific application and applied a performance...
3UZ Auto application Wiring and test video - YouTube
Arsalan's 3UZ Automatic application wiring and test run video with diagnostics..
为什么2020年的supra d1赛车会使用3uz这种很古老的发动机?
3uz排量高达4.3l,在没有更换涡轮的情况下,更大的排量能更早的推动这颗涡轮,扭矩来得早。 加上基础排量优势,在整个转速区间都能获得比2JZ更大的动力输出。
全新陆巡告别自吸 一文带你读懂丰田V8发展史 纯干货技术贴 - 哔 …
3UZ-FE则是UZ系列里最顶级的型号,全铝合金的机体降低了油耗和车辆重心分布,采用SEFI燃油喷射和新一代VVT-i系统充分压榨每一滴汽油的能量,在丰田Super GT大赛中这台3UZ也为主力机型。
3UZ-FE: Everything You Want to Know | Specs and More
Today, the 3UZ-FE is a popular choice among car tuners and hot rodders, recognized for its durability and potential for power upgrades. The difference worth mentioning is that the 3UZ is much weaker than any other UZ engine.
Toyota 3UZ-FE 4.3 engine - EngineDNA.com
2024年12月12日 · Reliability, problems and repairs of the Toyota 3UZ 4.3 engine. The 3UZ-FE engine was introduced in 2000 as the successor to the 4-liter 1UZ-FE. The 3UZ cylinder block was identical to that of the 1UZ, made of aluminum with 90° camber and cast iron liners. The cylinder diameter was increased from 87.5 mm to 91 mm, which affected the wall ...