testo 176 T4 - 温度记录仪
testo 176 T4 电子温度记录仪可即时告知您当前室内温度是否在预期的限值范围内。 同时测量4个不同地方的温度,带有超大容量内存,可存储多达2,000,000组数据。
testo 176 T4 - data logger for temperature
The testo 176T4 temperature measuremt logger, with its bright, backlit display, is ideal for the monitoring of multiple temperatures. The 176T4 temperature data logger has external thermocouple parallel connections, which allows for simultaneous temperature measurements at four sites using a wide variety of probes.
testo 176 H1 - data logger for temperature and humidity
The testo 176H1 humidity and temperature measurement logger has a large display that makes it ideal for the monitoring of temperature and humidty in enviro chamber and storage rooms. The 176H1 is a RH and temperature data logger with external …
User manual Testo 176 T4 (English - 88 pages)
The Testo 176 T4 is a measurement device used in various industrial and commercial settings to monitor temperature, humidity, and pressure levels. It is designed to provide accurate and reliable data for environmental control and quality assurance purposes.
testo 176 T4 溫度記錄器 - 產品資訊 - 德斯特儀器有限公司
testo 176 T4 溫度記錄器,可同時在4個不同位置連續記錄環境溫度變化,記錄間隔自 1秒 至 24 小時可任意設定,適用於各種環境長期監測使用。 testo 176 T4 多功能顯示幕,可以即時顯示當前溫度測量值、電池電量、記錄狀態;還可以設定上下限值,超過限值時螢幕 ...
testo 176-T4四通道温度记录仪适用于同时监测四通道的温度,可 …
testo 176-T4电子温度记录仪,4通道,可连接4个外置热电偶温度探头。包括电池和出厂报告。 产品介绍: testo 176-T4电子温度记录仪,适用于同时监测四通道的温度。 testo176T4优点一览: 可连接4个外置热电偶温度探头. 快速浏览当前读数、最大值/最小值
Testo 176 T4 4-Channel Temperature Data Logger with 4 …
Testo 176 T4 Features. Memory for 2,000,000 readings / up to 8 yrs battery life; Measures/logs temperature at four sites simultaneously; Extremely wide measuring range from -328 to 1832°F; Data transfer to PC for analysis/logging. Select from three software programs. Free …
testo 176 P1
testo 176 P1 內建 2 百萬筆超大容量記憶體,記錄間隔自 1 秒至 24 小時任意設定;用戶可自行設定上下限,超過上下限警戒值會有燈號警示。 testo 176 P1 具備 USB 介面,無須添購讀取器就能直接與電腦連線;創新的 SD 介面資料下載功能,直接使用 SD 卡下載資料,無須 ...
testo 176 T2 - temperature logger
The testo 176T2 temperature data logger features a large display that makes it ideal for monitoring of temperatures in the food sector and laboratories. The temperature measurement logger has connections for RTD sensors for highly accurate data logging, giving it the highest accuracy available.
Testo 176-T2 2-Channel Temperature Data Logger with 2 …
When highly accurate measurements are needed, the Testo 176 T2 with its two inputs for external Pt100 probes is the right data logger for the job. The Testo 176 T2 has up to eight years of battery life with measurements taken at 15 minute intervals.