testo 184 H1 USB Data Logger
The testo 184 H1 logger is capable of monitoring temperature and humidity levels during cold chain transportation. Its large, easy to read LCD display shows readouts in real time. Its LED status lights alert when specified limits have been exceeded.
testo 184 H1 - Temperature and Humidity Data Logger
With the testo 184 H1 data logger for humidity and temperature, you can now monitor the transport of sensitive products, such as food, pharmaceuticals, electronic items or artwork, both safely and conveniently. A start and stop button means the humidity data logger guarantees really easy operation for data recording.
德图testo 184-H1 USB型温湿度记录仪|testo184H1温湿度记录仪
testo 184-H1 USB型温湿度记录仪,用于对药品、食品或电子产品等敏感货物的运输过程中温湿度的连续监测。 通过testo 184 H1温度和湿度数据记录仪,您可以对药品、食品、电子产品和艺术品等敏感货物的运输进行不受时间限制的监视。 有关应用的更多信息(“应用”标签链接)。 当抵达目的地后,只需看一眼LED显示就可以知道运输过程中是否超出了配置的限制值。 要获得详细的信息,只需将记录仪连接到计算机,就可以立即生成包含所有相关数据的PDF报告。 为了使用户 …
Testo 184-H1 USB Temperature/Humidity Data Logger with …
The Testo 184 H1 logger is capable of monitoring temperature and humidity levels during cold chain transportation. Its large, easy-to-read LCD display shows readouts in real time. Its LED status lights alert when specified limits have been exceeded.
USB型温湿度记录仪-testo 184 H1
testo 184-H1 USB型温湿度记录仪,用于对药品、食品或电子产品等敏感货物的运输过程中温湿度的连续监测。 产品优势: USB连接, 野外温湿度记录仪, 仪器配置及报告读取无需额外电缆,无需安装额外软件,直接生成PDF报告,即插即用
testo184H1-USB型温湿度记录仪_testo 184 H1_0572 1845_德图 testo …
通过testo 184 H1 USB型温湿度数据记录仪,您可以对药品、食品、电子产品和艺术品等敏感货物的运输进行长时间限制的监视。 当抵达目的地后,只需看一眼LED显示就可以知道运输过程中是否超出了配置的限制值。
【184 H1】德图(testo) 184 H1 USB型温湿度记录仪 订货号 …
品牌: 德图(testo) 商品名称:184 H1; 商品编号:100100726636; 材质:ABS
testo 184H1温湿度记录仪 - hioki.net.cn
所有的testo 184 H1数据记录仪都可以在现场通过一个具有近场通信(NFC)功能的安卓手机进行读数。 通过NFC,还可以将数据从数据记录仪无线传输到兼容的Testo快速打印机(选件)。
Testo 184 H1 - Temperature and Humidity USB Transport Data
The testo 184 H1 temperature and humidity logger is ideal for both pharmaceutical and food cold chain logistics. Configuration of the testo 184 logger is as simple as plugging into a USB port and customizing the included PDF file.
testo 184H1 | USB Transport data logger - Keystone Instruments
With the testo 184 data loggers, you can monitor every step of the transport chain. testo 184 H1 is specially tailored to the monitoring of relative humidity and temperature during transport, for example in order to continuously monitor fruit and vegetables, humidity …