testo 184 T3 USB Data Logger
testo 184 T3 - Temperature USB transport data logger with LCD display. With the testo 184 T3 temperature data logger, you can now monitor the transport of sensitive products, such as pharmaceuticals, food or electronic items, both safely and conveniently.
testo 184 T3 - Temperature USB transport data logger with LCD …
With configuration, reports, and calibration certificates on-board, the testo 184 T3 temperature logger is ideally suited for monitoring cold chain transportation. The LED status lights indicate when specified limits have been exceeded and 184 series loggers eliminate the hassles of temperature sensitive goods, transport monitoring, and ...
testo 184 T3 - data logger for temperature
With the testo 184 T3 temperature data logger, you can now monitor the transport of sensitive products, such as pharmaceuticals, food or electronic items, both safely and conveniently. A start and stop button means the temperature data logger guarantees really …
德图testo 184-T3 USB型温度记录仪|testo184T3温度记录仪 订货 …
testo 184-T3 USB型温度记录仪,用于对药品、食品或电子产品等敏感货物的运输进行连续监测。 产品优势: USB连接,仪器配置及报告读取无需额外电缆,无需安装额外软件,直接生成PDF报告,即插即用
德图 testo 184 T3 USB型温度记录仪-上海仪博仪器有限公司
testo 184 T3数据记录仪无需安装或下载软件就可以方便地工作,因此不会有防火墙或杀毒软件引发的IT问题。 产品包含 testo 184 T3温度数据记录仪,包括ISO检定证书(保存在testo 184 T3中)、电池和一个双面胶带(方便数据记录仪的粘帖固定)。
Testo 184-T3 USB Temperature Data Logger with LCD, unlimited
With configuration, reports, and calibration certificates on-board, the testo 184 T3 temperature logger is ideally suited for monitoring cold chain transportation. The LED status lights indicate when specified limits have been exceeded and 184 series loggers eliminate the hassles of temperature sensitive goods, transport monitoring, and ...
- [PDF]
testo 184 · 数据记录仪
数据记录仪 testo 184 用于存储和读取单个测量值和测量序列。 它们是专为冷链产品的运输监控而设计。 温度和湿度测量值在整个测量程序持续期间被存储。 加速度测量值在整个测量程序持续期间被监控,并在超过设定的限制值时被存储。 数据记录仪的编程和测量报告的输出采用 PDF 文件形式,无需安装软件。 变型产品 T1 和 T2 是一次性的数据记录仪,使用时长有限制。 2.2. 技术数据 . T1,T2,:担保 12 个月自生产之日起,生产日期:见铭牌上圈出的日期编码(MMYY)。 T3,T4:24 个 …
Testo 184 T3 - Temperature USB Transport Data Logger with
The testo 184 T3 is an ideal logger for both pharmaceutical and food cold chain logistics. Configuration of the testo 184 temperature logger is as simple as plugging into a USB port and customizing the included PDF file.
testo 184 T3
testo 184 T3 溫度記錄器,USB 電子式無紙記錄器,連續記錄貨品溫度變化,適用於監測食品與藥品物流溫度記錄。 testo 184 T3 可連續工作 500 天,螢幕及LED 燈號警示上下限、電池電量、記錄狀態等,價格經濟實惠。
USB型温度记录仪-testo 184 T3 - detuyiqi.cn
testo 184-T3 USB型温度记录仪,用于对药品、食品或电子产品等敏感货物的运输进行连续监测。 产品优势: USB连接, 温度无纸记录仪价格, 仪器配置及报告读取无需额外电缆, 钮扣式温度记录仪, 无需安装额外软件, 大华温度记录仪, 直接生成PDF报告, 温度 ...