德图测温仪testo 735高精度测温仪多通道表面温度测量仪
Pt100 高精度温度传感器搭配testo 735-1帮助您实现极其精确的温度测量。 高精度 Pt100 浸入/刺入式温度探头 (选配)实现系统整体精度0.05 °C,而分辨率更是高达0.001 °C。
testo 735-1 - 3-Channel temperature measuring instrument
The testo 735-1 is a robust and compact measuring instrument, with a probe socket for highly accurate Pt100 probes, and two sockets for fast-action thermocouple probes. Readings from …
testo 735-1 - temperature measuring instrument (3-channel)
If you need a measuring instrument for accurate temperature measurement or you would like to measure the temperature in several locations simultaneously, the testo 735-1 is the ideal …
testo 735-1 - 温度测量仪
Pt100高精度温度传感器搭配testo 735-1帮助您实现极其精确的温度测量。 高精度Pt100 浸入/刺入式温度探头 (选配)实现系统整体精度0.05 °C,而分辨率更是高达0.001 °C。
testo 735-1 - testotaiwan.com
testo 735-1 顯示幕具有背光功能,即使在陰暗處也能輕鬆辨識。 2 行大型數字顯示,可顯示即時測量值、最大值或最小值,還可計算平均值;用戶還可設定上下限值,當超過此限值時會發出聲 …
The robust and compact measuring instrument testo 735 is universally applicable and is available in two versions: testo 735-1: Precise temperature measuring instrument
testo 735-1温度测量仪(3通道) - cnreagent.com
testo 735-1具有循环打印功能,不仅可打印单次测量数据,还可通过testo红外打印机循环打印一系列测量数据,打印周期可自由设定 (1分钟 ~ 24小时)。 若您需要对测量数据进行存储,归档 …
德图testo高精度温度仪 735-1_参数_价格-仪器信息网
德图testo高精度温度仪 735-1 专业型温度仪,精密、坚固,带有一个连接Pt100探头的插口和2个连接热电偶探头的插口,三个探头读数均在testo 735仪器上清晰显示。
Testo 735-1 - Multi Channel Thermometer without Memory
The testo 735-1 is a robust and compact measuring instrument, with a probe socket for highly accurate Pt100 probes, and two sockets for fast-action thermocouple probes. Readings from …
- 评论数: 1
Testo 735-1 3-Channel RTD/Thermocouple Thermometer - Testo …
Highly versatile, multi-channel thermometer with logging ability and location management. A wide range of optional probes available. When fully equipped, three radio probes and three …