A tetO Toolkit To Alter Expression of Genes in - ACS Publications
2015年3月5日 · We identify variants of the Escherichia coli tet operator (tetO) sequence that bind a TetR–VP16 activator with differential affinity and therefore result in different TetR–VP16 activator-driven expression. By recombining these variants upstream of the genes of a pathway, we generate unique combinations of expression levels.
Here, we built a tetO toolkit, which includes the I-OnuI homing endonuclease to create double-strand breaks, which increases homologous recombination by 105; a plasmid carrying six variant tetO sequences flanked by I-OnuI sites, uncoupling transformation and recombination steps; an S. cerevisiae-optimized TetR−
基因表达的开关——四环素调控系统 - 纽普生物
2024年9月27日 · 四环素阻遏蛋白(TetR)/操纵子(TetO)是大肠杆菌在遇到四环素时激活四环素解毒的天然机制。 在没有四环素的情况下,TetR 会表达并形成同源二聚体,并以高亲和力与两个四环素操作端 tetO1 和 tetO2 结合,这导致四环素外排转运体 TetA 转录和翻译受抑制。
A tetO Toolkit To Alter Expression of Genes in Saccharomyces ... - PubMed
2015年7月17日 · We identify variants of the Escherichia coli tet operator (tetO) sequence that bind a TetR-VP16 activator with differential affinity and therefore result in different TetR-VP16 activator-driven expression. By recombining these variants upstream of the genes of a pathway, we generate unique combinations of expression levels.
Organization of Synthetic Alphoid DNA Array in Human ... - ACS …
Recently we constructed a synthetic alphoid tetO-HAC that was successfully used for expression of full-length genes to correct genetic deficiencies in human cells. The HAC can be easily eliminated from cell populations by inactivation of its conditional kinetochore.
用于改变酿酒酵母中基因表达的 tetO 工具包,ACS Synthetic …
2015年3月17日 · We identify variants of the Escherichia coli tet operator (tetO) sequence that bind a TetR–VP16 activator with differential affinity and therefore result in different TetR–VP16 activator-driven expression. By recombining these variants upstream of the genes of a pathway, we generate unique combinations of expression levels.
A tetO Toolkit To Alter Expression of Genes in Saccharomyces …
We identify variants of the Escherichia coli tet operator (tetO) sequence that bind a TetR–VP16 activator with differential affinity and therefore result in different TetR–VP16 activator-driven expression. By recombining these variants upstream of the genes of a pathway, we generate unique combinations of expression levels.
A Synthetic Anhydrotetracycline-Controllable Gene Expression …
Here we developed an anhydrotetracycline (aTc)-inducible gene expression system, which is composed of a synthetic promoter containing the operator tetO, the repressor TetR, and the inducer aTc. Using a reporter-activity based promoter library screen, we first identified the active hybrids between the tetO operators and the R. eutropha native ...
ACS Publications
The webpage discusses a study on the catalytic performance of a specific system under industrially relevant conditions.
It was demonstrated that a new TetO and TetR variant can be used orthogonally with the wild-type (wt) TetO/TetR system for gene regulation purposes.11 Here, we adapted the reported TetO mutant (TetOmt) for imaging specificlociin mammalian cells. The TetOmt sequence contains four nucleotide substitutions compared to the wt TetO sequence