Play TETR.IO, the free-to-win online stacker game in the same genre as Tetris. Face off against the world in multiplayer, or claim a spot on the leaderboards!
tetr.io简介,一个没有4w的天堂 - 哔哩哔哩
2020年4月20日 · 新手游玩10把才能出分(tr)。TR 出分再0-25000之间。打完之后你在排行榜上也看不到自己名字,这时因为波动系数必须在100以下才能显示在排行榜上(显示rank).如上图,我的波动系数为98。掉线蓝屏也会掉分哦。
TETR.IO - 俄罗斯方块中文维基 - 灰机wiki - 北京嘉闻杰诺网络科技 …
四连联盟中的段位分称为 Tetra Rating(四连评分,简称 TR)。TR 基于 GLIXARE 算法,由 Glicko 评分与偏差值 RD 共同决定。简而言之,胜利可获得 TR,而失败将失去 TR。 首次加入四连联盟的玩家需要先进行十场定级赛以获得 TR。
现代俄罗斯方块入坑指南—注册流程及游玩指南[TETR.IO篇] - 哔哩 …
1.TETR.IO(无延迟) 游玩方式:游戏链接tetr.io,打开会看到这样的画面,直接点击JOIN就可以游玩,但是是游客号,不能进行匹配模式)
2 天之前 · Actual TR Players Position APM PPS VS Target TR Deflated Inflated; PLAY TETRA CHANNEL MERCH ABOUT ǹ Ǻ ǻ Ǽ Ǿ. HOME LEADERBOARDS PLAYERS. ERROR. LOADING. TETRA LEAGUE STATE as of 3/16/2025, …
TETR.IO - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
tetr.io具有名為「tetra channel」的社交系統,玩家登入後,能夠在該系統上查看在線人數、排行榜及其他玩家的排名或遊戲紀錄等資訊。 玩家能夠追蹤其他玩家,亦能在遊戲中使用文字聊天系統進行交流。
TETR.IO - TetrisWiki
4 天之前 · TETR.IO is a free-to-play online multiplayer and singleplayer game developed by osk. Players can play against friends and foes all over the world and claim a spot on the leaderboards, found in the Tetra Channel.
TETR.IO - Online Games
该评级系统称为 Tetra Rating (TR),它基于 Glicko-2。 TR 每次获胜都会增加,每次失败都会减少。 第一次玩此模式时,玩家必须参加至少 10 场排名赛,称为“ 评级游戏 ”,显示他的TR。
Tetr.io - Play Tetr.io On IO Games
Tetr.io is a multiplayer Tetris game you can play online. It is well-known for how easy it is to control and handle. There are several main game modes, and the community is big and very competitive. In this puzzle game with more than one player, players compete to see who can stack and move the most blocks in the shortest amount of time.
2025年2月16日 · The TR formula has been redone from the ground up. While the range is still 0~25,000, the median now lies at 10,000 TR. The new formula gives a lot more headroom for pro players. Your TR in Season 2 will likely be lower than in Season 1 (especially just after finishing placements). The seasons' TRs are not comparable.