碧云天生物技术-TEV Protease(TEV蛋白酶)(P2307) - Beyotime
TEV Protease(His-tag)是一种在大肠杆菌中重组表达的带His标签(6X His tag)的烟草蚀纹病毒(Tobacco Etch Virus, TEV)的半胱氨酸蛋白酶,能特异性地识别七肽序列Glu-Asn-Leu-Tyr-Phe-Gln-Gly/Ser,并在Gln和Gly/Ser氨基酸残基之间进行酶切,常用于去除融合蛋白的Glutathione S-transferase (GST ...
TEV Protease - NEB
TEV Protease has a 7xHis-tag for easy removal from a reaction using nickel affinity resins and has been engineered to improve thermal stability and decrease autolysis.
TEV酶的酶切位点 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
TEV是一种用来切除融合蛋白上亲和标签的常用工具酶,具有很强的位点特异性,严格识别七氨基酸序列EXXYXQ↓ (G/S),切割位点在 谷氨酰胺 和甘氨酸/ 丝氨酸 之间。 重点来了! 最常用的氨基酸序列为ENLYFQG。 最高效的切割序列为ENLYFQS。 TEV切割后也能利用其N端的6×His标签,通过 Ni-NTA树脂 去除,以达到纯化目的蛋白的目的。 图1. TEV酶酶切位点. 【应用示例】 由于不同标签蛋白具有不同的特性,所以在实际使用时,建议酶和标签蛋白的比例进行适当优化。 …
TEV protease - Wikipedia
TEV protease (EC, Tobacco Etch Virus nuclear-inclusion-a endopeptidase) is a highly sequence-specific cysteine protease from Tobacco Etch Virus (TEV). [1] It is a member of the PA clan of chymotrypsin-like proteases. [2]
收集整理的各类常用蛋白表达、纯化及检测标签 - 知乎
名称:tev 描述:Tobacco etch virus protease cleavage site 应用注释:Cleaved by tobacco etch virus protease, which cuts after glutamine in the recognition sequence EXXYXQ(G/S) where X can be any amino acid.
TEV蛋白酶 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
烟草蚀刻病毒蛋白酶Tobacco Etch Virus protease(EC,简称TEV蛋白酶,是来自烟草蚀刻病毒的高度序列特异性半胱氨酸蛋白酶。 [1] 它是胰凝乳蛋白酶样蛋白酶PA家族的成员。 [2] 由于其高序列特异性,它经常用于体外和体内 融合蛋白的受控切割。 [3]
TEV protease is the common name for the 27 kDa catalytic domain of the Nuclear Inclusion a (NIa) protein encoded by the tobacco etch virus (TEV). Because its sequence specificity is far more stringent than that of factor Xa, thrombin, or enterokinase, TEV protease is a very useful reagent for cleaving fusion proteins. It is
TEV Protease, Recombinant (rTEV) is a site-specific protease purified from E. coli by the affinity tag, polyhistidine tag. The protease can be used for the removal of affinity tags from fusion proteins. The seven-amino-acid recognition site for rTEV is Glu-Asn-Leu-Tyr-Phe-Gln-Gly (1-4) with cleavage occurring between Gln and Gly.
TEV蛋白酶 UCF.ME® rTEV Protease (5 U/μL) 烟草蚀纹病毒蛋白酶
rTEV是一种用来切除融合蛋白上亲和标签的常用工具酶,具有很强的位点特异性,严格识别七氨基酸序列EXXYXQ↓ (G/S),切割位点在谷氨酰胺和甘氨酸/丝氨酸之间。 普遍应用的七氨基酸序列为:Glu-Asn-Leu-Tyr-Phe-Gln↓-Gly。 rTEV在pH 7.0,30℃时可达到最佳活性,但在pH 6.0-8.5和温度4-30℃的广泛范围内皆有活性(见表1),使得反应条件的选择可根据目的蛋白的情况而灵活变动。 另外rTEV切割后也能利用其N端的6×His标签,通过Ni-NTA树脂去除,以达到纯化目的蛋 …
TEV Protease | NEB
TEV Protease is a highly specific cysteine protease. The TEV Protease recognition sequence with the highest catalytic efficiency is ENLYFQ S; however, the amino acid in the P1’ position can also be G, A, M, C, or H (1).