TEVI is an Upcoming Mix of Anime, Metroidvanias, and ... - Fextralife
Releasing on November 29th, 2023 is the upcoming TEVI, an anime-inspired Metroidvania that also mixes some bullet-hell gameplay elements into the mix. The result is a colorful and chaotic romp through the expansive land of Az. This land is full of …
Tevi (Video Game) - TV Tropes
TEVI is an action-adventure Bullet Hell Metroidvania and a Spiritual Successor to Rabi-Ribi, developed by GemaYue, note WAERO, note and Ein Lee. note It released on the PC and North American and Japanese Nintendo Switch on November 30, 2023, with a European and Australian Switch release planned for December 21, and a Playstation 4/5 and Xbox ...
首先通过本篇剧情我们大概能知道,泽玛是根本没认出来tevi身上的吊坠的,不知道她是皇室血统。 理由是从乌沃萨收养tevi的剧情里,泽玛对tevi的认知只有“仅救下来这一个孩子”,没有任何其他想法。
TEVI - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
《tevi》是一款结合了类银河战士恶魔城、像素风格、弹幕等要素的 2d 平台探险动作游戏。 在广大的奇幻世界中,寻找隐藏的物品、解锁各式能力、使用爽快的连技击败头目,并逐步解开隐藏其中的谜团。
TEVI on Steam
Embark on an epic action-adventure as you slash, dash, and combo your way through a vast, vibrant world. Explore and uncover hidden secrets. Customize your build to triumph in spectacular boss battles. Experience a tale of mystery, magic, and …
TEVI | TEVI Wiki | Fandom
TEVI is a 2D platform adventure action game that combines elements of genres such as Metroidvania and bullet hell. The game was developed and published by the Taiwanese company CreSpirit with the help of GemaYue and Ein Lee. TEVI is primarily a Metroidvania, so exploration plays an important...
Characters in Tevi - TV Tropes
Character sheet for TEVI. Note: After a certain point the entire plot gets turned on its head, so BEWARE OF SPOILERS! A notorious organization of beastkin bandits. For an unknown reason, they're also collecting Astral Gears. The Hostesses …
2021年8月23日 · Tevi is one of the best Metroidvanias of the year. Not only does it bring its own superb, anime-inspired aesthetic and RPG mechanics to the forefront, but Tevi also features some of the most lovingly crafted exploration and platforming segments we’ve …
TEVI - Download
TEVI is a story-driven, action game that combines elements of bullet hell and Metroidvania genres. Players control Tevi, a nimble protagonist skilled in melee and ranged combat , using a combination of a dagger , an oversized wrench , and magical abilities provided by her companions, Celia and Sable .
TEVI - 百度百科
《TEVI》是一款结合了类银河战士恶魔城、像素风格、弹幕等要素的 2D 平台探险动作游戏。 玩家会化身为身手敏捷的兔耳少女,展开一场惊险难忘的冒险之旅,在广大的奇幻世界中,寻找隐藏的物品、解锁各式能力、使用爽快的连技击败头目,并逐步解开隐藏其中的谜团。 [2] 在亚兹大陆的远古时期——有个强大的文明掌握了能赋予机械生命的魔法技术,在魔法与科技发展的融合下,孕育出这个充满神秘色彩的奇幻世界。 在这广阔的大陆上,坐落著五个主要城镇:富丽堂皇的 …