Texel - Mule Sheep
The Texel breed originated in Holland and is characterized by a distinctive short, wide face with a black nose and widely placed, short ears. It has a clean white face and legs, and both sexes …
Mule Sheep
These hardy and adaptable ewes are bred to a Bluefaced Leicester tup to produce the popular and prolific commercial ewe called the 'Mule'. The final tier of the scheme is to utilize the …
Mule (sheep) - Wikipedia
This mule is usually crossed with a meat-type ram, such as the Suffolk or Texel, to produce these market lambs. This breeding also allows a convenient system of management whereby hill …
这所院校又添新作:通过视频图像分析测量杂交羔羊胴体性状的全 …
这项研究主要通过对两个交配绵羊群体(Texel x Scotch Mule和Texel x Lleyn)的表型和基因型数据进行收集和分析,研究了从出生到断奶(约15周)期间的生长情况以及屠宰胴体的脂肪、肌 …
How Mules can rise to the challenge of rival sheep breeds
2020年8月20日 · A long-standing Mule buyer is closing half his flock to see if Mule performance can be matched by home-bred Texel-crosses and cut biosecurity risk.
Texel x Mule Ewes - The Farming Forum
2016年1月30日 · The Tex x Mule prices are the wether brothers of the type of ewes you are interested in. We've tried keeping the second cross to breed again but they tend to have fewer …
Texel Mules - The Farming Forum
2015年7月19日 · My Texel X Mules have made in to great working ewes and have got better with age. Plenty of twins and plenty of milk. Maybe not to the excess that the Mule produces but …
Which X of mule is best - The Farming Forum
2014年3月30日 · Size, length and milk coupled with good cull value. Forget the Texel and go for a Charollais. Faster growth rate, easier lambing and weigh like lead. More length than a Texel …
Texel Sheep Society 'Focus Farm' - Hepburn Farms, Wooler
2012年6月19日 · The Texel Sheep Society 'Focus Farm' - David Merreday, Hepburn Farms, Wooler (Mule ewes and Texel x Mule ewes with Texel x Lambs).
Managing texel crosses correctly can yield good results
2011年2月3日 · Breeding Texel-cross ewes with the body capacity to cope with a heavy lamb crop and feeding accordingly is the key to making the most from the breed.