Texel sheep - Wikipedia
Three-year-old ram from the island of Texel British Texel ewe with twin lambs near Erpingham in Norfolk. The Texel is a Dutch breed of domestic sheep originally from the island of Texel. [3] It …
Information - Texel Sheep Breeders Society
In a trial comparing Texel ram lambs to black-faced ram lambs, the Texels required about 15# less feed to produce 60# of gain. The Texel has become the dominant terminal-sire breed in …
Texel Sheep Breed Information, History & Facts - RaisingSheep.net
Learn all about the Texel sheep breed, its history & the primary use of Texel sheep on farms today (photos of Texel rams & ewes).
Texel Sheep Breeders Society
Known for the superior meat quality and naturally lean fat content, Texel sheep are a superb choice for quality lamb on the dinner table. Texel rams have become the number one choice …
Texel Sheep | Oklahoma State University
In a trial comparing Texel ram lambs to black-faced ram lambs, the Texels required about 15 lbs less feed to produce 60 lbs of gain. The Texel has become the dominant terminal-sire breed in …
Texel - Porjay's Farm
At the national show in 2017, one of Eugene and Niki Fisher’s rams was selected as the Champion Texel ram. In 2018, we purchased 6 additional ewe lambs and 1 ram lamb from …
Research has shown that lambs sired by a Texel ram, carrying two copies of the specific form of the Myostatin gene, can. have up to 10% more leg muscle and 10% less fat, than lambs sired …
Home - The British Texel Sheep Society Ltd
85% of Texel lambs grade ‘in spec’. Over their lifetime high index Texel rams add £690 to their commercial progeny.
Why Pick Texel Sheep? - Yellowbird Farms
Texels are most commonly used as terminal sires - rams chosen for their carcass quality and growth without consideration for maternal traits (though this doesn't make them poor …
Texel Sheep Breed – Everything You Need to Know - Domestic …
The Texel sheep breed is one of the most dominant sheep breeds in Europe due to its excellent quality lean meat. Texel rams are used as sires to improve meat production and quality of …