德式馬企業股份有限公司 - TEXMA International Co., Ltd
德式馬專注於平織女裝、運動服裝等製造迄今已逾三十年,專業平織服飾製造設計與剪裁,我們擁有深厚的客群基礎、堅強的產能及設計。以台灣接單營運,世界工廠生產的營運模式,與歐美領導品牌合作,並為知名品牌的關鍵供應商。目前主要產區為印尼、柬埔寨、越南、大陸及瓜地馬拉等 …
TEXMA International Co., Ltd
Texma has focused on the plain weave women’s wear for more than thirty years. At the same time, we have a solid customer base and strong capacity and design. We adopt the business mode of taking orders in Taiwan and producing our products at the factories worldwide.
Texma Machinery S.L | Maquinaria Textil
Nowadays, with more than 37 years of experience in the sectors of knitting, weaving, narrow fabrics and according to our immediate technical post- service, we have been able to allow our company to grow up, and at the same time to develop new products and expanding the countries that we are having continuous presence. All this has been possible thanks to our professional working team, duly ...
關於德式馬 - 德式馬企業股份有限公司
德式馬企業(Texma International Co. Ltd.)成立於1975年,宗旨為為時下的都會女性製造經典出色的服飾。 德式馬專注於平織女裝製造迄今已逾三十年,同時擁有深厚的客群基礎、堅強的產能及設計。
Texma Machinery S.L | Maquinaria Textil
Actualmente, con más de 37 años de experiencia en los sectores del punto, tisaje, cintería y basándonos siempre en el servicio técnico post-venta inmediato y especializado, hemos conseguido crecer y desarrollarnos como empresa, y a la vez crear nuevos productos y ampliar los países en los que tenemos presencia continua. Todo esto con un gran equipo humano, bien formado y con los ...
Texma Drilling Supply LLC (“Texma”) is neither an authorized distributor nor affiliated with any named OEMs or its affiliates. No endorsement is represented by any OEMs of any Texma products and replacement parts.
Home - Texma - textilmassanes.com
At Texma, we are a family company with more than 40 years of experience in the recovery and valorisation of industrial textile and plastic waste. We help companies to meet their environmental responsibility objectives, promoting efficient and sustainable management of industrial waste.
Texma produce sistemi per cuciture industriali
La Texma s.r.l. è una società operante nei vari settori sistemi per cucitrici industriali che richiedono automazione, soprattutto nel campo tessile, cosmetico e meccanico e vendita di macchinari usati.
TexmacDirect Embroidery Machine Supplies | Embroidery Hoops
Keep your embroidery on track and looking perfect with backing, stabilizer and mesh.
公司歷史 - 德式馬企業股份有限公司 - texma.com.tw
2002 成立產品開發部門,由OEM轉為ODM。 在越南設立生產據點-合作對象「TEXMA Vina Co., LTD」