VIP - TF2 Classic Wiki
VIP is a game mode involving a player designated as the VIP, who can only play as the exclusive Civilian class, a class designed to be very weak, who's role is to focus on the objectives in the maps he's available in.
VIP Race - TF2 Classic Wiki
VIP Race is a symmetrical variant of the VIP game mode, in which more than one team have their own VIPs. On each team, one player will get randomly selected to be the VIP (who will then play as the Civilian), unless another player gets voted to be their team's VIP.
Civilian - TF2 Classic Wiki
The Civilian is a special class, unique to Team Fortress 2 Classic, that is designed around the VIP game mode, which is the only mode he can be played in. During a VIP match, he must be escorted by his bodyguards, the BLU team, while avoiding …
Double Down - Day 1
In matches of VIP Race (VIPR), both teams get their own Civilian. (Hold for long applause.) Each Civilian's limo is parked deep in enemy territory, at the end of a series of control points. Escort …
TF2C/Creating a VIP Map - Valve Developer Community
2024年1月8日 · VIP is a game mode involving BLU escorting the "VIP", a randomly chosen player playing as the Civilian, a special class specifically designed to be weak but required to complete the objective, while the opposite team tries to prevent and/or assassinate them.
军团要塞2经典 VIP模式试玩_哔哩哔哩bilibili_军团要塞2_试玩
,如何安装军团要塞2经典版以及游玩258把新武器,更新内容:添加精神分裂症,拜见机枪手,但每一转画面就换一个雇佣兵,某国产动画片的盗版Sniper和Medic, [TF2C]地图短片:护送VIP竞赛模式,TF2C To TFC mod 军团要塞2经典 但是是经典版, [TF2C]武器演示 - 逃生 ...
VIP - Team Fortress 2 Classic Wiki
VIP, is a gamemode in which BLU team has to protect their Civilian, and the Civilian has get the the escape zone. RED has to prevent BLU's Civilian from getting to the escape zone.
Civilian (Classic) - Official TF2 Wiki | Official Team Fortress Wiki
The Civilian, otherwise known as The Hunted or VIP, is a playable class in the Team Fortress Classic series of games. The Civilian is the "escortee" in VIP maps for the Team Fortress Classic series of games. He is only armed with the Umbrella. His role is to reach an evacuation point before being killed by the assassins.
vip - TF2Maps.net
2024年12月23日 · A VIP Race map being made for the Team Fortress 2 Classic mod. How the Gamemode works VIP Race is a currently unused gamemode in TF2C that is a variation of VIP in which both teams have a Civilian they need to protect and extract.
军团要塞2:经典 - Official TF2 Wiki | Official Team Fortress Wiki
Day 4 介绍并推出了 Badwater 地图的护送VIP模式版本,6种回归武器和15项全新成就。 还为对TF2C做出贡献的人推出了3个新徽章,并改进了人机玩家。