Four-Team - TF2 Classic Wiki - Team Fortress Classic
Global Radio Network (GRN) and Yard Logistics Workers, Inc. (YLW) play a part in all the broadcast towers and freight yards you've been fighting over, respectively, but they've also got shady corporate interests that they're willing to hire mercenaries to protect.
YLW - Team Fortress Wiki
Yard Logistics Workers (YLW), It is one of the 4 teams of: Team Fortress 2 Classic. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.
Teams - TF2 Classic Wiki
In Team Fortress 2 Classic, two teams compete against each other: RED (Reliable Excavation & Demolition) and BLU (Builders League United). These teams make up the two teams in regular maps. There are also two more teams, GRN (Global Radio Network) and YLW (Yard Logistics Workers), which a player can join if they are playing in a Four-Team map.
TF2 Classic
2023年3月11日 · YLW was the trickiest to nail down, but we’ve decided on them using more trapezoidal forms, with grittier, older materials like rusted metal, concrete blocks, and brick. Some images of our yet-to-be-released, Flask-based style guide
军团要塞2:经典 - Official TF2 Wiki | Official Team Fortress Wiki
还为对tf2c做出贡献的人推出了3个新徽章,并改进了人机玩家。 这些改动都附有补丁说明,其中详细列出了所有这些改动。 战斗或逃亡
Engineer | Team Fortress 2 Classic Wiki | Fandom
The Engineer (Real Name: Dell Conagher) is a defensive class. He can construct buildings to fortify a position or to aid his teammates in the front lines, for example by transporting them there quicker by building teleporters. As an Engineer... …use the build tool to place Sentry Guns, Dispensers, Teleporters, and Jump Pads.
Heavy | Team Fortress 2 Classic Wiki | Fandom
Due to his large health pool, the Heavy is able to withstand a lot of damage, but due to his speed, he is also easy to catch up to for a backstab, unable to reach objectives quickly and retreat swiftly. His primary weapon, the Minigun, can deal sustained damage to enemies. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.
The G.R.N and YLW team Use link in description! - GameBanana
A Team Fortress 2 (TF2) Mod in the All Class category, submitted by AxeXent
军团要塞:经典 - Official TF2 Wiki | Official Team Fortress Wiki
军团要塞:经典(Team Fortress Classic,简称TFC),又以 《军团要塞 1.5》 的叫法为人熟知,是系列游戏《军团要塞》中的一作。 《军团要塞:经典》是一款由 Valve 开发,Sierra工作室发行,基于职业的第一人称射击电子游戏。 移植于游戏《雷神之锤》/《雷神之锤世界》的mod“军团要塞”,《军团要塞:经典》原于日期1999年4月1日,作为基于游戏《半条命》及半条命引擎(金源引擎)开发登录Windows平台。 后续的独立版本于2003年1月16日发行。 《军团要塞:经 …
Are the Green and Yellow teams cannon? :: Team Fortress 2 …
The acronym is YLW, short for Yard Logistics Workers. This logo, along with my green team logo are used in TF2 Classic, a stand alone mod of TF2. And YLW. No, because the 2 teams are named after Redmon Mann and Blutrach Mann, sorry to burst your bubble :/
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