转录因子EB(TFEB)的全方位综述 - 健康界
2022年8月19日 · 转录因子EB (TFEB)是自噬/溶酶体-核信号通路的中枢调控因子,参与能量稳态、应激反应、代谢、自噬和溶酶体生物发生等信号通路,与溶酶体储存障碍、神经退行性疾病、癌症和代谢紊乱等人类疾病有关。 发表在Cell Death and Differentiation上的这篇综述概述了过去30年来TFEB研究的主要进展和最近发现的TFEB调控机制及其对人类疾病的影响,并讨论了该领域未来的研究方向和未解决的问题。 TFEB是自噬-溶酶体生物发生的主调控因子。 TFEB参与多种信号 …
SIRT6 is a key regulator of mitochondrial function in the brain
2023年1月18日 · Our analysis reveals that SIRT6 is a central regulator of mitochondrial activity in the brain. SIRT6 deficiency in the brain leads to mitochondrial deficiency with a global downregulation of mitochondria-related genes and pronounced changes in metabolite content.
Autophagy︱杨倩课题组揭示转录因子TFEB入核调控新机制 - 知乎
转录因子EB (transcription factor EB,TFEB)属于碱性碱性螺旋-环-螺旋-亮氨酸拉链(bHLH-Zip)转录因子家族蛋白。研究表明TFEB能够直接结合于溶酶体基因的启动子, 促进溶酶体基因的表达。
【论肿道麻】Sirtuins: T细胞代谢和功能的重要调节因子|肿道|因子
2022年9月29日 · 最近的研究表明,Sirt6具有抗炎特性。Sirt6通过影响染色质结构而不是直接去乙酰化NF-κB来抑制促炎基因的转录,而Sirt1和Sirt2直接去乙酰化p65并抑制其转录活性。虽然Sirt6与p65亚基结合,但它通过去乙酰化NF-κB靶基因启动子上的H3K9来调节其转录活性。
SIRT6 regulates TNF-α secretion through hydrolysis of long
2013年4月3日 · We demonstrate further that SIRT6 promotes the secretion of tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) by removing the fatty acyl modification on K19 and K20 of TNF-α. Protein lysine fatty acylation has...
MOF-mediated acetylation of SIRT6 disrupts SIRT6-FOXA2 …
2023年8月29日 · Here, we report that the tumor-suppressive function of SIRT6 in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is regulated by acetylation. Specifically, males absent on the first (MOF) acetylates SIRT6 at K128, K160, and K267, resulting in a decreased deacetylase activity of SIRT6 and attenuated SIRT6 tumor-suppressive function in NSCLC.
Biological and catalytic functions of sirtuin 6 as targets for small ...
2020年8月7日 · Sirtuin 6 (SIRT6) is a nuclear NAD +-dependent deacetylase of histone H3 that regulates genome stability and gene expression. However, nonhistone substrates and additional catalytic activities of SIRT6, including long-chain deacylation and mono-ADP-ribosylation of other proteins, have also been reported, but many of these noncanonical roles ...
A Review of the Recent Advances Made with SIRT6 and its …
This review is primarily concerned with SIRT6. SIRT6 is a protein involved in the regulating chromatin and has been shown to have a number of roles in metabolism, aging, and disease. It could potentially be a useful target in treating several human diseases [20,21,22,23,24].
SIRT6 Widely Regulates Aging, Immunity, and Cancer - PMC
SIRT6 is a longevity protein that can inhibit the aging of cells, tissues, organs and the body by promoting DNA damage repair (5 – 7), maintaining normal chromosome structure (8 – 10), and regulating energy metabolism (11, 12) and the senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP) (13, 14).
SIRT和AMPK靶点通路知识讲解 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏