Manifolds - TechnipFMC plc
TechnipFMC is a subsea market leader with extensive know-how and experience in designing and manufacturing high-performance manifold and tie-in systems, including traditional pipe, …
Deep Energy is equipped with a specially designed Pipe Line End Termination (PLET) Handling System which is able to eficiently convey and deliver PLETs, In-Line Tees (ILT), Riser Base …
Fleet - TechnipFMC plc
Our state-of-the-art vessels allow complete control of, and support for, a wide range of subsea project and field activities. The vessels can execute subsea pipelay, diving and construction …
The Deep Energy, Technip’s new state-of-the-art pipelay vessel
2013年5月6日 · The Deep Energy is a DP class 3 vessel primarily designed to handle subsea installation of reeled rigid pipe of up to 18” outer diameter. She has a normal operating …
2024年2月19日 · Abstract—The SPARC Toroidal Field Model Coil (TFMC) is the first large-scale (∼3 m), high-field ( 20 T) superconducting fusion magnet based on Rare Earth Yttrium ∼ …
The ITER toroidal field model coil (TFMC) - ScienceDirect
1999年11月1日 · The TF coils for ITER (ITER, Final Design Report, December 1997) will use the concept of a circular thin walled Nb 3 Sn cable in conduit superconductor completely enclosed …
ITER toroidal field model coil test: analysis of heat transfer from ...
2003年9月1日 · As the main objective of the toroidal field model coil (TFMC) is to demonstrate the industrial feasibility of the ITER TF coils, the TFMC design includes the particular features...
Power dissipation and energy transfer during testing of the ITER ...
2005年11月1日 · Toroidal field model coil (TFMC) is a large racetrack shaped model coil of 31 tonnes of weight and 98 turns, built to test the design principles of the ITER TF coil system [1].
2023年9月24日 · The SPARC Toroidal Field Model Coil (TFMC) Project was an approximately three-year effort between 2018 and 2021 that developed novel Rare Earth Yttrium Barium …
1998年1月1日 · The concept is being demonstrated by the fabrication of a racetrack shaped model coil (TFMC) which is designed to operate mecanically, electrically and hydraulically in …