IL-17与Th17细胞:从免疫卫士到疾病靶点 - 梅斯医学MedSci
2025年3月14日 · 介绍IL-17生物学作用,其在多种自身免疫病中作用,IL-17靶向药物开发现状,以及未来治疗方向。 ... 1989年,Th1和Th2细胞的二分法奠定了T细胞研究的基石。然而,2005年,董晨教授与Casey Weaver团队在《自然·免疫学》上的突破性研究,揭示了第三类T细胞亚 …
IL-17和Th17细胞的生理和病理作用 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
t细胞受体(tcr)激活是cd4+和cd8+t细胞产生il-17的关键,而先天免疫细胞产生il-17主要由炎性细胞因子驱动,尤其是 il-1β 和 il-23 。 它们通过促进中性粒细胞募集、抗菌肽产生和增强屏障功能,介导抗真菌和细菌的保护性免疫。
Increased Development of Th1, Th17, and Th1.17 Cells Under T1 ...
We show that in JIA T1 polarization inappropriately generates Th1, Th17, and Th1.17 cells. Our data provides a tool for studying the development of heterogeneous inflammatory T cells in JIA under T1 polarizing conditions and for identifying pathogenic immune cells that are important as drug targets and diagnostic markers.
Th1 and Th17 cells: Adversaries and collaborators - PMC
Identification of the IL-17-producing CD4 + effector cell lineage (Th17) has helped shed light on this issue. Th17 effector cells are induced in parallel to Th1, and, like Th1, polarized Th17 cells have the capacity to cause inflammation and autoimmune disease.
A role for Th1-like Th17 cells in the pathogenesis of
2019年1月1日 · The pathogenic Th17 cells engender the IL-17+IFN-γ+ double-positive T cells subset (also termed Th1-like Th17, Th17/Th1 or Th17-1 cells) (Uchiyama et al., 2017). Th1-like Th17 cell clones express IL-23R, C-C motif chemokine receptor 6 (CCR6), and the transcription factors T-bet and RORγt ( Annunziato et al., 2007 ).
One road to the TH17 pathway: how TH1 led to TH17 (and vice
2020年7月2日 · Like many scientific advances, discovery of the T H 17 pathway emerged from a conundrum and a bit of serendipity. The key clue came when we backed up and began rethinking the premise. Perhaps T...
The Biological Functions of T Helper 17 Cell Effector Cytokines in ...
IL-17 and IL-22 are induced rapidly in experimental bacterial pneumonia and are produced by several T cell populations in the lung, including γδ-T cells and NKT cells as well as effector memory αβ CD4 + T cells. IL-17 signaling regulates granulopoiesis, through the regulation of G-CSF, as well as neutrophil recruitment, via the regulation ...
A role for Th1-like Th17 cells in the pathogenesis of ... - PubMed
Recent reports have shown that Th1-like Th17 cells play crucial roles in the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease, multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis, as well as, some primary immunodeficiency with autoimmune features.
IL-13-producing Th1 and Th17 cells characterize adaptive …
Consistent with this latter point, studies have shown that Th2 cells can be ‘re-programmed’ to exhibit characteristics of other T cell subsets, like production of IL-9 (Th9) or IFN-γ (Th1), and that IL-4 + memory Th2 cells can produce IL-17 [5–8]. Thus, while originally viewed as a terminal, IL-4-driven fate, current models posit that ...
Metformin prevents diabetes development in type 1 diabetes …
1 天前 · IL-17 is produced by T cells and induced by pS6. STAT3 has also been reported to increase IL-17 transcription and IL-17 production 42. Our study suggests that metformin may reduce the IL-10-STAT3 ...