Therapy with CD7 monoclonal antibody TH-69 is highly …
Human T-cell acute lymphocytic leukaemia (ALL) was established in athymic nude or severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) mice by injecting CEM or MOLT-16 cells. When nude mice bearing approx. 2 g of tumour were treated with a single injection of CD7 antibody TH-69, 82.6% reached complete remission within 10 d whereas 13.0% showed partial remission.
A Recombinant CD7-specific Single-Chain Immunotoxin Is a …
2002年5月1日 · Here, the CD7 hybridoma antibody TH-69 (25), generated by one of the authors (M. G.; Ref. 26), was used for the construction of a CD7-specific immunotoxin, because of its high binding affinity (7.6 × 10 9 Mol −1).
ABCD antibody anti-CD7-TH69 (ABCD_AD355) - Expasy
Would you like to obtain this antibody? It can be produced at the Geneva Antibody facility (for more information, please check here).
TH-69 (TH-69) - 药物靶点:CD7_在研适应症:急性淋巴细胞白血 …
TH-69: 一种CD7抑制剂药物,由Friedrich Alexander Universität Erlangen Nürnberg (Friedrich Alexander Universität Erlangen Nürnberg)公司最早进行研发,目前全球最高研发状态为临床前,作用机制: CD7抑制剂 (T细胞抗原CD7抑制剂),治疗领域: 肿瘤,免疫系统疾病,血液及淋巴系统疾病,在研适应症: 急性淋巴细胞白血病,在研机构: Friedrich Alexander …
CD7 CAR-T针对急性T淋巴细胞白血病/淋巴瘤的首个I期临床研究结 …
2022年5月5日 · 在临床前研究中,研究者首先构建了由CD7特异性小鼠单克隆抗体 (TH69) cDNA序列、12AA短铰链结构域融合到CD28TM-41BB-CD3 ζ信号域的编码序列和T2A连接的 tEGFR所构成的7CAR基因盒。 接下来,研究者使用三种不同的方法制造了靶向CD7的CAR-T细胞并比较它们的功能:1) NS7CAR:通过用7CAR转导总T细胞,然后对其进行“自然选择”的细胞培养方式获得;2) Neg7CAR:由天然存在的CD7阴性T细胞(占CD3+ T细胞的3%-10%) …
完全缓解率达90%,同种异体CD7 CAR-T治疗T细胞白血病I期试验 …
近期,来自 北京博仁医院 的潘静主任团队在Journal of Clinical Oncology 发表文章,介绍了首个抗CD7 CAR-T 细胞治疗 r/r T-ALL单中心I期试验的数据,证明了同种异体健康供者来源的抗CD7 CAR-T细胞的安全性和令人印象深刻的短期疗效。 鉴于患者T细胞数量和质量受限,潘静团队放弃了采用患者 T 细胞制备 CAR-T 细胞,而转用供体来源 CD7 CAR-T 细胞治疗T-ALL。 该试验最初只招募成人,但在初步安全性证明后进行了修订,使儿童也包含在招募范围内。 r/r T-ALL儿 …
Therapy with CD7 monoclonal antibody TH‐69 is highly effective …
The British Journal of Haematology publishes original research papers in clinical, laboratory and experimental haematology. The Journal also features annotations, reviews, short reports, images in haematology and Letters to the Editor.
Anti-CD7 [TH69] - Absolute Antibody
Specificity: This antibody binds the extracellular domain of human CD7. CD7 is expressed on the majority of immature and mature T-lymphocytes, and T cell leukemia. It is also found on natural killer cells, a small subpopulation of normal B cells and on malignant B cells.
Therapy with CD7 monoclonal antibody TH-69 is highly effective …
1996年11月1日 · Inserting EF1α-driven CD7-specific CAR at CD7 locus reduces fratricide and enhances tumor rejection. Naturally selected CD7 CAR-T therapy without genetic editing demonstrates significant antitumour efficacy against relapsed and refractory acute myeloid leukaemia (R/R-AML). This article is in the Europe PMC Open access subset.
Anti-CD7 immunotoxin TH-69 (scFv)-Sap - Creative Biolabs
Anti-CD7 immunotoxin TH-69 (scFv)-Sap. Suitable for use in Cytotoxicity assay, Function study. Belongs to the family.