Thank Yinz | Department of Pediatrics | University of Pittsburgh
Thank Yinz is a program to promote faculty well being through expressions of gratitude. Department of Pediatrics Faculty may nominate other DOP Faculty for a Thank Yinz. Awardees will receive recognition and a Starbucks gift card. This program is supported by a UPMC Physician THRIVE grant for change.
Thank Yinz Archive | Department of Pediatrics | University of …
Thank Yinz Archive 2023 January Thank Yinz PDF February Thank Yinz PDF March Thank Yinz PDF School of Medicine Department of Pediatrics Office of the Chair
Thank you for your time taking care of my patients and for having the time to respond and explain things. Thank you for your mentorship for always being there to support and be my "special editor" for all manuscripts and grants!
Yinz - Wikipedia
Yinz (see § History and usage below for other spellings) is a second-person plural pronoun used mainly in Western Pennsylvania English. It is most prominent in Pittsburgh, but it is also found throughout the cultural region known as Appalachia, located within the geographical region of …
Can "Y'all" Mean Just One Person? : r/linguistics - Reddit
I've heard yinz used as a singular here in the burgh, mostly with the phrase "thank yinz". Never heard it as a singular form myself. I always thought of yinz as streetish slang anyway. I'm from Memphis, TN and heard/used yinz all the time. edit: ...to imply, possibly common in some urban areas regardless of geography.
yinz Meaning & Origin | Slang by Dictionary.com
2018年11月13日 · What does yinz mean? Yinz is a Pittsburgh equivalent to y’all. It is used to address two or more people as a second-person plural pronoun.
Do people actually say “yinz” irl? : r/pittsburgh - Reddit
This is why I use it. I was visiting some friends who have transitioned. Before that visit I was someone who'd have said "you guys"/"dudes" are both gender neutral. But when I was with those friends I realized the best gender neutral term I had was yinz. So I unironically say yinz now Reply reply lindsaystclair •
"Yinz"是什么意思? -关于英语 (美国)(英文) | HiNative
Yinz is a slang word for the plural informal. Some places say "you guys" or y'all". It means that you are saying something to a group of people, but it is very informal, like talking to your friends.
THANK YINZ | Cats N'At Official - catspgh.com
Thank Yinz! which helped bring Cats N'At to life! We couldn't have done it without yinz!
Thank you for your leadership and scholarship focused on youth mental health. You have helped me become a better doctor and researcher and equipped all of us in adolescent medicine with tools and skills to support youth mental health.