Hydrostatic Release - Thanner A/S
Thanner offers three different solutions of hydrostatic release units. Disposable HRU, Disposable Remote Activated HRU Systems and Serviceable HRU. For detailed explanation of the three, please continue reading.
【船舶管理 】船舶救生筏释放器分类和原理 - 搜狐
2021年10月22日 · Thanner型. Thanner型HRU共有两种形式,分别为Thanner DK84和Thanner 2000/2004,两种HRU外观形式差别较大,连接方式也较为不同,其中DK84型目前应用较为普遍,连接错误的情况也较多。 Thanner DK84 . Thanner DK84其具体样式及正确连接方式如下图所示。
Thanner Disposable Hydrostatic Release Units 6 years lifetime
Thanner A/S is excited to announce two new additions to our product range of Disposable Hydrostatic Release Units (HRUs), designed to ensure optimal performance and safety for life-saving equipment at sea.
85-170 - Thanner A/S
Our hydrostatic release unit serves both as a SOLAS HRU with a 1.5-4 meters submerged release depth and as a electrically operated HRU. Available with 2.5-, 4- & 6-year service free lifespan after installation.
Thanner Hydrostatic Release - made by Seago Ltd - Seago Group
Thanner Disposable Hydrostatic Release Units are all patented units, designed for trouble free installation, reliable function and service free lifetimes of 4 years /48 months or 2 1/2 years /30 months after correct installation.
2023年6月17日 · Thanner型静水压力释放器. 主要由进水孔、压缩弹簧和芯轴构成。其工作原理为当船舶遇难沉没时,海水由进水孔进入静水压力释放器的内部腔体,膜片受海水压力作用于压缩弹簧使芯轴内移。
HRU是个什么蛋 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2016年4月11日 · HRU的造型虽然各有不同,但大体的原理基本一致,就是HRU中有个弱连接“Weak Link”,在受到外部的拉绳作用下,Weak Link断开,被拴扣的物体与船舶本体(支架)脱离,从而避免与本体一起沉入海底,直接浮上水面。
船舶救生筏释放器分类和原理 - 360doc.com
2021年10月21日 · 《国际救生设备规则》对救生筏自由漂浮装置的要求包含三部分: 首缆系统、薄弱环和静水压力释放器 ( hru ),三部分的正确连接才能保证气胀式救生筏的顺利释放。
Thanner hru dk2010 hydrostatic release unit hru dk2010 art no: 777869 hydrostatic release unit dk2 thanner origin: denmark 777869 weight: 350 gm. Brand: Other. Condition: New. Related products. Other Moeller klockner pkzm0-0,63 protective circuit breaker Read more. Other
Hydrostatic release unit type THANNER DK2010 for 30 months …
Thanner Solas Model The Thanner hydrostatic release unit is designed for Solas liferafts. The Thanner needs no annual service, maintenance or spare parts, but MUST BE REPLACED AFTER 30 MONTHS.
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