The Third Marj - daytonhistorybooks.com
The wool neck of the mask is tucked into the neck of the sweatshirt. A little care here is worth a lot when the wind blows. On top the head, J wear-according to the temperature-either a fake-fur cap, or a suede wool-lined cap with car-tabs that pull down and buckle with a strap under the chin.
2011年11月7日 · I once won a Halloween contest at Miracle Lane. I was about 5 or 6 years old (maybe 7 or 8, hard to remember). It came down to me and a girl. I was dressed as an Indian princess with pigtails and leather dress with beads, and when I took off my "mask" a dark beige stocking (hosiery) and wig and they saw I was a boy, I won. Got a Brownie camera ...
Trick or Treat Traditions
2014年6月1日 · In the '60s, those Ben Cooper boxed costumes were all the rage. We'd sneak up behind one another and snap that rubber band holding the mask on. Also, the urban legend of the razor blade apples did have one unfortunate result: For a couple years around '69 or '70, trick or treat was scheduled for Sunday afternoon before Halloween. We hated it ...
2019年5月28日 · FIND BOOKS ON DAYTON, OH HISTORY FREE ONLINE. colleen8 2 posts Aug 22, 2007 8:25 PM Does anyone remember swimming in what seemed to be the largest pool in the world?
An Epidemic Checked: A Chronicle of the 1918 Influenza Pandemic …
Only one other person, who should wear a gown and mask when entering the room, should attend to the patient, and this person should wash his/her hands after leaving the room. He indicated that people were becoming unnecessarily frightened.
The Noth Star and Dixie Drive In's on N.Dixie - DAYTON HISTORY …
2013年3月9日 · One afternoon i was practicing at the track on needmore rd and lost control and ran through the fence and a fence pole, and ran over my brothers leg, i knocked out a lower front tooth and split my lip inside.and i busted my helmet and face mask. that car was messed up.during practices they didnt have the bales up and the the damn brakes was ...
Rike's Department Store - DAYTON HISTORY BOOKS
2014年8月24日 · But my mom would patiently listen as if they were the most exciting adventures ever told. On occasion, during my afternoon meal, she would tell stories in chapters that would take days to finish. This is how I was introduced to the tales of The Arabian Nights, The Man in the Iron Mask, and countless other literary classics.
Memoirs of the Miami Valley - Volume Two - DAYTON HISTORY …
In addition to these war orders the International did considerable work for the gas mask plants of the Gas Defense division in the way of gas producers, annealing cars and structural equipment. In short, for the six months directly preceding the armistice, this firm had virtually abandoned its original product and was doing ninety-eight per ...
When Influenza Came to Dayton
find books on dayton, oh history free online. dayton daily news, december 4, 1918. influenza situation being studied here
Memoirs of the Miami Valley - Volume One - DAYTON HISTORY …
FIND BOOKS ON DAYTON, OH HISTORY FREE ONLINE. Educational (page 369) In the story of its development from a cornfield set in a forest to a snug little city famed for its beauty and its industries, the capital of Shelby county derives no greater pride than that which comes from the contemplation of its public schools.