When your 10-year old boy says “It’s meta,” what does it mean? In …
2011年11月17日 · This joke is meta. The humour comes from the barman recognising that he’s in a situation typical of jokes. It isn’t a joke about national stereotypes; it’s a joke about jokes. …
Meaning of "meta-" - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2011年1月11日 · The reason why it is called "meta-" is that logic studies language and thinking, which makes logic an abstract operation and a theory; and metalogic studies logic, so that it is …
meaning - What is the opposite of "meta"? - English Language
I think terms like "sub-data" for the data that meta-data are about would be a bit misleading; it would imply three levels: sub-data, full data, and meta-data. "Sub-meta-data" would be …
differences - Nuancing the prefixes "meta-", "hyper-", and "super ...
2020年9月1日 · "meta- a prefix appearing in loanwords from Greek, with the meanings “after,” “along with,” “beyond,” “among,” “behind,” and productive in English on the Greek model."; …
English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their …
Why "meth-", "eth-", "prop-", when there is "uni-","di-","tri-"?
I was surprised since wine (ideally) doesn't contain methyl alcohol. From wikipedia: French chemists Jean-Baptiste Dumas and Eugene Peligot, after determining methanol's chemical …
Origin of the word "cum" - English Language & Usage Stack …
2011年11月25日 · Etymonline explains:. cum (verb and noun) seems to be a modern (by 1973) variant of the sexual sense of come that originated in pornographic writing, perhaps first in the …
modal verbs - Using "may" vs. "can" to express permission
2025年1月13日 · Comments that do not request clarification or suggest improvements usually belong as an answer, on English Language & Usage Meta, or in English Language & Usage …
What would be the proper usage of "Qua" in a sentence?
2016年7月22日 · The one place where I encountered qua over and over and over was in the Random House translations of Aristotle that we used in college when studying the Greek …
Does "chronological order" mean the most recent item comes first?
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