Simpsons version of LOTR | Page 3 | The Tolkien Forum
2002年1月22日 · BTW, the kid that always throws up is Wendel, Uter is the fat German kid. oops!! yeah, i've been trying to come up with a character for Apu and Dr...
Melkor's Treatment after the War of Wrath
2005年3月20日 · Guys, guys, there's no reason to get cantankerous at one another. The four of us are obviously having a marvellous time nit picking to death. ;) Alcuin, I agree with the whole of your last post. Likewise, I don't lean to one side more than the other - …
Calling All Evil Dudes To YayGollum's REMNANTS OF EVIL! OOC …
2002年10月5日 · That Isildur person is the roguelion person. He's still supposed to be playing his vampire character. I have no idea why he hasn't posted. Evil, huh? oh well. The evil Mouth of Sauron person still hasn't posted even though I told her to many timeses. I'll post that we're superly close as...
Is Sauron's death the end of fears in the middle earth?
2002年10月11日 · Moving back to the original question, I think that evil will remain in Middle-earth, or actually to the whole of Arda, as long as Morgoth exists. The fears in Middle-earth comes as a result of Morgoth "pouring" his evilness into the matter of Arda, and therefore all that comes from the matter of...
Sauron and the Orcs of the Misty mountains | The Tolkien Forum
2003年5月11日 · How much (if any) control did Sauron have over the orcs of the Misty Mountains? Is there any clear indication either way in any of the published works? Anything goes, so let's hear it!;)
What would happen if Saruman got the ring?
2002年1月31日 · running out of fingers Those sound like good arguments that the Ringwraiths didnt have rings--kinda makes them misnomers, tho. Sauron, not having form, you might argue, didnt have fingers, but with the 9 for men, and the assorted dwarf rings he had, and having lost a finger to Isildur, he...
Irresponsibility at the Council of Elrond
2003年4月2日 · I think it talks about Dwarves being almost as quiet as nasssty hobbitses in that chapter with the trolls. Something about the evil thief Bilbo Baggins walking around in the woods and complaining about the Dwarvish racket, but that the whole group could have passed by a human from not very far...
Character vs Character. . .Fights. Merged threads. .. hlg
2002年1月9日 · Superman could easily beat Sauron, even if the dude had his One Ring thing. The proof is that a bunch of humans and elves would have killed him. Superman could have easily killed Sauron, then tossed the One Ring thing into the sun. :rolleyes: Anyways, I see no evidence that Balrogs had any...
Why was Arwen dying? | Page 4 | The Tolkien Forum
2003年10月31日 · Sauron supposedly showed Aragorn this vision of Arwen in her dying state (the dying that Elrond mentioned). This seems to have occured by her choosing to become mortal. I was saying that I'm mortal, yet I'm not lying anywhere pale and lifeless. Therefore, there's not a logical solution to...
Did Aragorn make the right choice? | Page 8 | The Tolkien Forum
2002年3月3日 · Let's step back a little. What, precisely, did Aragorn know at the time he made his choice? 1. The most vital mission was to get the Ring into Mordor in secret, and destroy it. 2. Boromir was dead, and had clearly done something that …