Skeptic » eSkeptic » October 18, 2017
2017年10月18日 · How Can I Become a Card-Carrying Skeptic? Film your story. Make it public on YouTube. EMAIL A LINK to your video. In return, we’ll send to you your very own, genuine Skeptic Card in the mail. Be sure to tell us your mailing address when you email your video link to us. We promise we won’t share your mailing address with anyone (except the ...
The Sceptic's Tarot
Draw a tarot card and force yourself to come up with five or more stories that could be true about the card. The Seven of Swords, for example, is usually seen as being sneaky or a victim. But perhaps the man is playing a prank by making off with the swords?
Zener ESP cards - The Skeptic's Dictionary - Skepdic.com
2015年10月27日 · Zener ESP cards were designed in the early 1930s by Karl Zener (1903-1963), an associate of J. B. Rhine, for use in ESP experiments (Randi 1995).
Skeptic Trumps: A Satirical Skeptic Card Game TIM FARLEY The skeptical community’s growth has led to many unanticipated creative projects, particularly online. One such project is Skeptic Top Trumps, a virtual deck of play-ing cards featuring caricatures of popular skeptics. It is the creation of Crispian Jago, a com-
Skeptic » Tags » card-carrying skeptic Archives
In this week’s eSkeptic Seth Andrews recounts how he became a card-carrying skeptic; Science Salons 15 and 16 are now available to watch for free online; Sam Harris and Michael Shermer will dialogue live in Austin, TX, in March.
The Skeptic's Dictionary
2010年12月9日 · The Skeptic's Dictionary features definitions, arguments, and essays on hundreds of strange beliefs, amusing deceptions, and dangerous delusions. It also features dozens of entries on logical fallacies, cognitive biases, perception, science, and philosophy.
Skeptic » eSkeptic » December 20, 2017
2017年12月20日 · How Seth Andrews, the Thinking Atheist, Became a Card-Carrying Skeptic. As we announced a few weeks ago in eSkeptic, we asked several friends to tell us about those “aha!” moments that led to their becoming skeptical thinkers. As promised, here is another one of their incredible stories on YouTube.
This card was used to show the movie that was behind it in the blockbuster cases. These great display pieces in their own but can be used for an entertainment room or framed as art. Little bit of nostalgia. </p>
tarot - The Skeptic's Dictionary - Skepdic.com
2013年12月23日 · The tarot is a set of cards used in fortune-telling. A few years ago, tarot cards would have conjured up images of Gypsies, who didn't begin using tarot cards until the 20th century. Today, the cards are popular among occultists and New Agers in all walks of life. According to Grillot de Givry (1971):
Reading Tarot Cards for Skeptics - askAstrology
2019年7月31日 · You can look at the cards, pick them up, or ignore them, but what people believe or do not believe is related to the cards, not about the cards themselves. I actually meet very few true skeptics, the hardcore kind; and here’s how I tell the difference between a full-on skeptic and a skeptical person.