STEM Microscope | Themis Environmental TEM | Thermo Fisher …
Thermo Scientific ETEM is the dedicated atomic-resolution Scanning/Transmission Electron Microscope (S/TEM) solution for time-resolved studies of the behavior of nanomaterials during exposure to reactive gas environments and elevated temperatures. Designed specifically for these, dynamic experiments in catalysis.
Themis Z TEM delivers both performance and flexibility in one tool. The probe corrected Themis Z TEM, for example, delivers the highest (60 pm) STEM resolution as well as providing in situ, dynamic and 3D EDS and tomography imaging without the need for non-standard holders or sample types. Higher
了解iDPC TEM最新成像技术! - 知乎专栏
石墨烯的高分辨STEM像是检验电镜低电压性能的重要参考。借助Thermo ScientificTM Themis Z球差校正电镜,用户可以在低电压STEM ADF模式下获得高质量的石墨烯高分辨像,如图 5所示。同时借助iDPC技术,可以进一步显著提升图像的信噪比,使得图像质量更上一层楼。
简介:从二维或三维尺度对材料科学进行快速、精确的形貌观察,微区的晶体结构定性和定量表征,选择特定设计的样品台进行原位动态实验。 2018年7月20日起正式运行。 1. TEM信息分辨率≤60 pm,STEM分辨率≤60 pm。 加速电压60-300kV。 放大倍数:50倍-1,000,000倍。 会聚束电子衍射(CBED):最大会聚角100 mrad,最大取出角不小于±20°。 2....
Thermo Scientific Themis Z S/TEM | Center for Electron …
Our Themis-Z™ delivers imaging capabilities for atomic resolution in both high resolution TEM and STEM, at accelerating voltages of 60, 200 and 300 kV. STEM resolution down to <63 pm is possible, with appropriate samples, and the system is equipped with a S-TWIN pole piece, this provides a wide-gap for more experimental work and tilting.
FEI Themis Z 双球差透射电镜/AC-TEM 超高分辨率轻松拍摄单原子 …
扫描透射 (STEM):配置四个探头,包括HAADF探头、轴向BF探头、DF2 探头和DF4 探头;可同时采集四幅 (4k x4k pixels) 来自不同角度的电子信号,明场(BF),环形明场(ABF),环形暗场(ADF)和高角环形暗场(HAADF)的图像;最大HAADF STEM 接收角:12° (半角);HRTEM 与HRSTEM 一体化设计,可以与EDS、 CMOS 相机 等设备同时获取数据;STEM 放大倍数范围:150倍– 100,000,000倍;提供STEM 自动优化软件以及轻元素(原子序数低的元素)的成像 …
Themis™ S S/TEM for Semiconductors - Thermo Fisher Scientific
The Thermo Scientific™ Themis™ S S/TEM is an 80–200kV scanning / transmission electron microscope (S/TEM) designed for high-speed imaging and analysis of semiconductor devices. As the latest member of the industry-standard Themis family, the Themis S TEM inherits a unique combination of the best spatial resolution and the most efficient ...
Thermo Fisher Scientific Themis Z TEM/STEM with probe and …
2021年12月28日 · The FEI Themis Z is and advanced analytical scanning/transmission electron microscope (STEM/TEM) from Thermo Fisher Scientific Company that operates between the electron energy of 60 to 300...
FEI/Thermo Fisher Titan Themis CryoS/TEM 60-300kV
This instrument is capable of imaging inorganic and organic materials at the nanoscale. It is equipped with a Field Emission Gun (X-FEG), a monochromator, probe corrector (STEM) and the availability of single and double tilt holders for room temperature and cryo work.
STEM Microscope | Themis Environmental TEM - Thermo Fisher Scientific
Thermo Scientific ETEM is the dedicated atomic-resolution Scanning/Transmission Electron Microscope (S/TEM) solution for time-resolved studies of the behavior of nanomaterials during exposure to reactive gas environments and elevated temperatures. Designed specifically for these, dynamic experiments in catalysis.