Restore Theramore Tabard / Mini Mana Bomb - Blizzard Support
However, the rewards Theramore's Tabard and Mini Mana Bomb are exclusive to the character that earned the Feat of Strength version of the achievement (not the new version of the achievement). If you misplaced the rewards and your character has the achievement, visit Zidormi in Dustwallow Marsh and she will sell both items to you for just 1 gold ...
Did not receive the Mini Mana Bomb/Theramore Tabard from …
Restore Theramore Tabard / Mini Mana Bomb. Missing the Theramore Tabard or cannot summon Mini Mana Bomb. Destroyed Mana Divining Stone. Information about replacing your Mana Divining Stone. World of Warcraft Mage Can't Conjure Mana Gem. What to do if you're unable to conjure a mana gem.
Unable to Complete The Fall of the Sunwell Scenario
Did not receive the Mini Mana Bomb/Theramore Tabard from Theramore's Fall. Completing the sceanrio does not award the toy. Can't Complete Scenario: Assault on the House of Rituals. What to do if you get stuck in the scenario Assault on the House of Rituals in Maldraxxus.
Restore Theramore Tabard / Mini Mana Bomb - Soporte de Blizzard
The Theramore's Fall Feat of Strength is account wide. However, the rewards Theramore's Tabard and Mini Mana Bomb are exclusive to the character that earned the Feat of Strength version of the achievement (not the new version of the achievement).
Atendimento Blizzard - Restore Theramore Tabard / Mini Mana …
However, the rewards Theramore's Tabard and Mini Mana Bomb are exclusive to the character that earned the Feat of Strength version of the achievement (not the new version of the achievement). If you misplaced the rewards and your character has the achievement, visit Zidormi in Dustwallow Marsh and she will sell both items to you for just 1 gold ...
No recibí la mini Bomba de maná/Tabardo de Theramore de Caída …
Problemas comunes: Completé el escenario y ahora no recibí el juguete; Después de completar el escenario, el juguete no fue enviado por correo a mi personaje.
World of Warcraft Quest Issue Troubleshooting Guide
If you're having issues with a quest, try the following steps to resolve it: Search our support articles for any known issues.
Can't Loot Candy Bucket - Blizzard Support
This usually means you are in the wrong timeline to loot the bucket. Check for and complete active quests in the area to clear up temporary phasing or find Zidormi in the zone to change back to a different questline. You can find Zidormi in Darkshore, Blasted Lands, Theramore, Arathi Highlands, and the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.
Can't complete quest The Last Missing Blue Dragon
We have received several reports of this issue and can confirm it is not working as intended for some players who can't see the Dragon Locator Orb.
Chose the Wrong Talents - Blizzard Support
In Non Classic World of Warcraft, you can change your talent selections and specialization at no cost. In World of Warcraft Classic, you can visit a trainer and pay a gold cost to change your selected talent points.