Theremin Kits Building a theremin can be a fun and rewarding experience, but most of us don't have the technical expertise or background to build one from scratch or even from a …
2005年12月7日 · The theremin was invented in 1919 by a Russian physicist named Lev Termen and is the first electronic musical instrument that is played without being touched.
2013年12月3日 · Here at Theremin World, readers often ask "which theremin should I buy?" We've created this handy guide to help you make your decision. When deciding which …
Tech & DIY / Schematics Theremin Schematics Here's a list of various types of theremin schematics. You'll find tube theremins, transistor theremins, optical theremins, beginner, and …
Play / Learn to Play Learn To Play the Theremin Here's a long list of method books, videos, DVDs, and other instructional materials for helping you learn to play the theremin. Remember, …
Tech & DIY / Software Theremin Software From software theremins to MIDI programs, here's a list of ways your PC, phone, or tablet can help you experience a theremin:
2014年10月7日 · I'd like to start a thread for people to chime on techniques they use to record the theremin. 1. How to mic? 2. Best things to do to record direct to mixer? 3. Use of EQ? 4. …
2023年9月5日 · The Theremin is a beautiful musical instrument and not a Halloween sound generator. Calling your design a theremin is like a child convinced his simple keyboard is a …
Store Theremin World Store Please help keep Theremin World running by visiting some of our affiliates at the pages linked below for your theremin-related purchases. A portion of your …