The Thieves Guild - A Collection of D&D 5e Resources
Also updated our item crafting section. 2024 Spells Added to our Spells list; "Rhyming" verbal components added for all spells (that require verbal components); Fixed the NPC Generator (now generates classes); Server Upgrade; Added a FAQs to many of the Spell pages (now you can get answers to puzzling spell questions); The Guild Store has ...
Gods, Deities, Demigods for D&D 5e | The Thieves Guild
The Thieves Guild > Deities > Light Domain Deities . Light Domain Deities. Light Domain Deities. Light Domain. Gods of light—including Helm, Lathander, Pholtus, Apollo, and Re-Horakhty—promote the ideals of rebirth and renewal, truth, vigilance, and beauty, often using the symbol of the sun. Some of these gods are portrayed as the sun ...
Harvesting & Loot for D&D 5e Creatures | The Thieves Guild
The Thieves Guild > Harvesting & Loot Harvesting & Loot. harvesting and loot. Creature Type CR Aarakocra. Type: humanoid (aarakocra) CR: ¼ Aartuks ⌞ Aartuk Elder. Type: plant CR: 3 ⌞ Aartuk Priest. Type: plant CR: 2 ⌞ Aartuk Warrior. Type: plant CR: 2 Abishai ⌞ White ...
Jewelry Shop for D&D 5e | The Thieves Guild
The Thieves Guild > Shops > Jewelry Shop Shops & Vendors. Jewelry Shop. Hard Sell (daily) at 1000 gp (Cheap: 750 gp, Expensive: 1500) Selling Cap (daily) at 2000 gp (Cheap: 1500 gp, Expensive: 3000 gp) Denotes unofficial or user created items. Check with your DM first. Low Cost Multiplier: High Cost Multiplier: Change. Item. Cost (Norm) ...
Strongholds Parts in D&D 5e | The Thieves Guild
To slip free of manacles, a character must make a Dexterity check (DC 20 or DC 25 for masterwork manacles). To break free requires a Strength check (DC 20 or DC 25 for masterwork manacles). A creature proficient with Thieves' Tools can pick the manacles' lock with a successful DC 15 Dexterity check. Manacles have 15 Hit Points.
Heironeous, a D&D 5e deity | Gods and Deities | The Thieves Guild
The Thieves Guild > Deities > Heironeous Greyhawk Pantheon. Gods & Demigods. Heironeous (pronounced HIGH-roe-nee-us) The Invincible. Intermediate Deity. Worshippers, Clergy, Temples | Dogma | Appearance | Relationships & History | Related Images | Quick Descriptions.
Research - Downtime Activity in D&D 5e | The Thieves Guild
The Thieves Guild > D&D Core > Downtime Activities > Research Downtime Activity Research. Player's Roll. Intelligence. Access to a well-stocked library or knowledgeable sages gains advantage! Gold Spent... Submit. Research. DM's can allow players to research a monster, location, magic item or any other particular subject. ...
Craft an Item - Downtime Activity in D&D 5e | The Thieves Guild
Without the key, a creature proficient with thieves' tools can pick the manacles' lock with a successful DC 15 Dexterity check. Manacles have 15 hit points. Mess Kit
Gods, Deities, Demigods for D&D 5e | The Thieves Guild
The Thieves Guild > Deities > War Domain Deities . War Domain Deities. War Domain Deities. War Domain. War has many manifestations. It can make heroes of ordinary people. It can be desperate and horrific, with acts of cruelty and cowardice eclipsing instances of excellence and courage. In either case, the gods of war watch over warriors and ...
Carousing and Making Contacts - The Thieves Guild
Complication: You accidentally insulted a guild master, and only a public apology will let you do business with the guild again. (Optional: Make a DC 15 Constitution save to avoid the effects of alcohol or this complication occurs)