Why don’t all objects melt and liquefy when heated sufficiently?
2016年11月12日 · There are multiple reasons why things don't melt. The biggest chemical explanation of why some substances don't melt is that many decompose instead. This is true for many complex organics like paper. IF you add enough energy to (theoretically) melt them you have already added enough to shake the component molecules apart.
Can you melt wood? - Chemistry Stack Exchange
2015年5月8日 · Wood is mostly made up of things like cellulose, lignin, and water. As wood combusts, it’s broken down into products like charcoal, water, methanol, and carbon dioxide. Unlike water turning back into ice, if you cooled down the resulting products of burning wood, it obviously does not change back to its original composition.
How do you melt metals with super high melting points?
2014年9月23日 · This can sometimes work even without a vessel at all as a suitable inductive coil will levitate the lump of metal and the induced eddy currents will dump enough energy into it to melt it. There are plenty of youtube videos of this with non-refractory metals such as aluminium but the principle should still work for high melting metals.
acid base - Dissolving Organic Tissues - Chemistry Stack Exchange
2013年1月18日 · Mythbusters (Episode 208) demonstrated that acid as such is not effective for dissolving bulk flesh. "Piranha solution" (concentrated hydrogen peroxide in concentrated sulfuric acid) eats organics, oh yes indeed, and can explode while doing it; while making it, too.
Material that doesn't melt at 800 deg F, but can be dissolved?
2014年9月23日 · Doesn't melt at the annealing temperature of Copper (doesn't melt at 700 degrees Fahrenheit) Can be dissolved/made non-solid/melted by a process that will not affect copper (a specific acid?) Is available in a wire form. Is relatively flexible
Is it actually possible to dispose of a body with hydrofluoric acid?
2013年5月3日 · It could settle or form a layer of meat/acid that sits on top of the meat, protecting it. Think layered shots. Or a unflushed end toilet that has had time to settle. Hydrofluoric acid will eat thru skin, google it. One of the reasons the burns are so bad is @ 50%, it can take 8 hours to realize you were burned.
Why does increasing the pressure cause ice to melt more?
2018年3月27日 · Why does increasing the pressure on this system cause ice to melt more? $$\ce{H2O(s) <=> H2O(l)}$$ I'm pretty sure this has to be solved using Le Chatelier's principle; the hint given is that The molar volume of water is more that of ice. My understanding of Le Chatelier's principle is that a system tries to oppose any change.
acid base - What is the quickest way to dissolve steel? - Chemistry ...
2015年6月16日 · Steel can be dissolved with a diluted solution of nitric acid and water. The chemical make up of nitric acid reacts to the iron in steel, producing iron nitrate and hydrogen gas. As this chemical reaction takes place, the steel begins to dissolve.
What easily accessible material has melting point between 500 °C …
2022年3月2日 · As mentioned, various aluminium alloys melt in this range. Alloys and other mixtures don't have a single melting point. They melt over a temperature range between the solidus and liquidus temperatures. For example alloy 4043 is readily available as welding wire. Solidus 573.9 °C, Liquidus 632 °C.
My sample of gallium does not melt - Chemistry Stack Exchange
2017年4月6日 · Putting a sizable chunk of gallium in $35~^\circ\mathrm C$ water doesn't cause it to melt immediately. Even boiling water doesn't melt it instantly. Because gallium is a metal, it conducts heat fairly well, so when heated gently, it won't melt until the temperature of the whole piece gets close to the melting point.