NLE Choppa - Mmm Hmm (Official Music Video) - YouTube
"Mmm Hmm" available now: https://nlechoppa.lnk.to/mmmhmmDirector: Bryson Potts x Evan AparicioProducer: Evan AparicioProduction Company: WaterwippenEvanWEBSI...
mmmmmm 什么意思 - 百度知道
那么将“e”和“M”连起来的话,聊天中的emmmm其实就是“额嗯嗯嗯…”的意思,常常用来表示思考+敷衍的意思,有很多时候别人说的话根本没法接,但是又不得不做出回应的话,可以用来敷衍一下。 emmm这个词最早出现的时间是在2016年,出处是常见的贴吧用语,常用在冷场尴尬的尬聊场合。 也有部分人认为该词来自英语ummm的衍生。 该词走红以后被网友们制作成了相关表情包,受到了大家的热烈欢迎,被大量地使用和转载开来。 2021-09-23 · 我一个热爱生活的,是 …
Thinking Face Emoji: Meaning & Usage - EmojiTerra
Commonly used to express doubt, curiosity, or pondering over something, it conveys a tone of introspection or reconsideration. Emoji name: thinking face. Tags: chin | consider | face | hmm | ponder | pondering | thinking | wondering. Check out …
Hm, hmm, hmmm, mm-hmm, mm, mmm (guide to use in …
“Hmm, let me think.” “Hmm, I’m not sure she’ll be coming.” “What did I tell you? Hmm? I said not to run in the corridor, didn’t I?” “Hmm? Did you say something?” What next? For a fun list of interjections and exclamations, including those in this blog post and many, many more, see Beth Hill’s brilliant list on The Editor ...
Hmm vs. Mmm vs. Mhmm - The Atlantic
2015年9月17日 · When texting or using instant messaging, I often write “mmm” as shorthand for a sound of agreement (imagine me nodding, sagely, thinking “yes,” “totally,” “I’m on your wavelength”). To my horror, a...
Mmmm-Hmmm - Jimmy Akin
2005年3月3日 · I think “mmmm-hmmmm” works extremely well in this context. Especially when talking on the phone, (and broadcast on radio!) and the usual visual clues are eliminated, specific words like “yes” or “continue” can sound like the host is interrupting the caller.
mmmm I think ima take - YouTube
Op lifter sure is op
Name for 'mmm' sound - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2015年10月13日 · Mmm is an interjection, formed by means of onomatopoeia: the formation of a word, as cuckoo, meow, honk, or boom, by imitation of a sound made by or associated with its referent. a word so formed. I'm curious...what is the referent for "mmmm"? (So far, though, I think "interjection" is the best answer for this question!)
what i think MMMM is REALLY about - Archive of Our Own
2024年8月25日 · Joe: betrayal is awful. people always make you think one think one thing when they’re doing something completely different behind your back. by the way ross do you think you can do chicken noises for me
When it comes to your mental health, think Mmmm…
2020年5月25日 · We often say “Mmmm” when we taste something yummy or consider something of interest. Mmmm is also an excellent pneumonic to help you remember four easy ways you can protect your mental health and keep it humming along no matter what life hurls your way…even a worldwide pandemic.