ThinkPad 701 - Wikipedia
The IBM ThinkPad 701 is a subnotebook in the ThinkPad line by IBM. The 701 is colloquially known as the Butterfly due to its sliding keyboard, which was designed by John Karidis. It was …
Project Butterfly / 701c.org
Here is a list of high-quality models I’ve made to replace the common components on the 701c body. The 701C, like other ThinkPad lines, suffers from deteriorating rubber paint. This guide …
701 | IBM Wiki | Fandom
The IBM ThinkPad 701 is a subnotebook in the ThinkPad line by IBM. The 701 is colloquially known as the Butterfly due to its sliding keyboard, which was designed by John Karidis. It was …
(分享)經典老機 IBM Thinkpad 701C 蝴蝶機 + 加演蝴蝶機的前世 …
2008年6月5日 · 回到正題,今天我要分享的是,IBM在1995年所出品的IBM Thinkpad 701C,這一台機子出來的時候曾獲得很多設計及電腦方面的大獎,幾年前也被美國紐約現代藝術博物館納 …
十分的科技,十二分的美!LGR ThinkPad 701c“蝴蝶机”评测【熟 …
科技区视频搬运小手子,偶尔会做一点沙雕东西上来ヾ( ゚ ゚)ノ
ThinkPad 701C - 百度百科
ThinkPad 701C是1995年 IBM 公司推出的一款笔记本电脑。 这是一款在艺术和技术上具有同等高超造诣的科技工艺品,它被 纽约现代艺术博物馆 永久收藏。 这款绰号 "蝴蝶" 的机型,其键盘 …
[經典技研堂] 科技史上少數被 MOMA 列為永久收藏的傳奇筆電:IBM ThinkPad 701C …
2019年12月4日 · 還好只有一台是最經典的: IBM ThinkPad 701C! 雖然 1995 年 推出的 ThinkPad 701C 少了許多現代 ThinkPad 的經典元素,如 ThinkVantage 藍色按鈕、擴充底座 …
IBM ThinkPad 701 | Computer Wiki | Fandom
The IBM ThinkPad 701 is a subnotebook in the ThinkPad line by IBM. The 701 is colloquially known as the Butterfly due to its sliding keyboard, which was designed by John Karidis. It was …
Cyrus's ThinkPad 701 Page - Bharucha
What makes this notebook computer so cool is its stunning fold-out keyboard. The notebook measures only 9.7 inches wide when the it's closed. But as the lid is lifted up, a magic trick …
701 – ThinkPad-Wiki
Das von März 1995 bis Juni 1996 erhältliche Thinkpad 701 war eines der revolutionärsten Thinkpads: Seine Butterfly-Tastatur war der "Hingucker" schlechthin und entfaltete sich beim …