Thomas Minton - Wikipedia
Thomas Minton (1765–1836) was an English potter. He founded Thomas Minton & Sons in Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, which grew into a major ceramic manufacturing company with an international reputation.
Minton, Thomas Minton - THE POTTERIES
Thomas Minton moved to Stoke in 1793 and opened his newly built factory in 1796 - he went on to become Spode's nearest rival. He made Minton ware famous - a cream-coloured and blue-printed earthenware majolica, bone china, and Parian porcelain; his factory was outstanding in the Victorian period for its "art" porcelains.
搜藏瓷器丨明顿(Mintons)陶瓷厂简史 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
英国明顿瓷厂(Mintons)也曾是英国陶瓷产业中的著名品牌之一,对英国本土的陶瓷业有重要贡献,在维多利亚时代更一度位于欧洲陶瓷业的前列。 瓷厂创始人是陶工托马斯·明顿(Thomas Minton),他原本是一名雕刻师学徒…
托马斯明顿Thomas Minton (1765-1836)1793年6月由创立明顿瓷器厂,它的出名作品包括奶油色和蓝印花饰土陶器、骨瓷及帕洛斯大理石白瓷器,开始只是生产陶器为主。
Mintons (Ltd) - THE POTTERIES
Manufacturer of earthenware, stone china and bone china at various factories in Stoke-on-Trent, England. Thomas Minton (b.1765 d.1836) started manufacturing in 1796 - since then there have been many partners and company names. Thomas Minton was in partnership with his brother as a retailer of china ware in London.
Antique Minton China Porcelain and Thomas Minton
Thomas Minton founded his factory in 1793 in Stoke-upon-Trent, England. He was famous for Minton ware, a cream-coloured and blue-printed earthenware as well as majolica, Minton bone china and Parian porcelain. Throughout its history Minton has often led the way in adapting fashions to the field of ceramics, resulting in a huge range of styles.
Thomas Minton | British engraver | Britannica
, by Thomas Minton, who popularized the famous so-called Willow pattern. In the 1820s he started production of bone china; this early Minton is regarded as comparable to French Sèvres, by which it was greatly influenced.
西洋古董瓷器101:Minton瓷厂的前世今生之一 - 知乎
1973年,Minton公司的前身由创始人Thomas Minton (1765-1836)建立,开始只是生产陶器。 到1796年,荷兰人Joseph Poulson带着骨瓷秘方加入工厂,建立合资企业Minton & Poulson,才开始生产骨瓷。
2023年7月26日 · 明顿陶瓷技艺作为英国维多利亚时代艺术的重要组成部分,具有独特的历史和文化背景。明顿陶瓷起源于19世纪初期,由托马斯·明顿(Thomas Minton)在斯塔福德郡的斯托克特雷特(Stoke-upon-Trent)创办。
Minton - Majolica International Society
Minton. Thomas Minton began his professional life as an engraver and is credited with the design of the popular blue Willow pattern for Josiah Spode. In 1793 Minton entered into a partnership with the Liverpool merchant Thomas Pownall and Joseph Poulson, a Stoke potter.