Thoosa - Wikipedia
In Greek mythology, Thoosa (/ θ oʊ ˈ oʊ s ə /, Ancient Greek: Θόωσα, romanized: Thóōsa), also spelled Thoösa, was, according to Homer, the sea nymph daughter of the primordial sea god …
THOOSA - Sicilian Sea Symph of Greek Mythology
THOOSA was the sea-nymph mother of the Kyklops (Cyclops) Polyphemos by the god Poseidon. Her name was derived from the Greek word thoos "swift" and she may have been a minor …
神话故事-古希腊海仙女巧妙闪避老水手指南 - 知乎
波塞冬的情人中,有相当一部分是海洋仙女们,托俄萨(Thoosa)便是其中之一。 “托俄萨”的意思为敏捷,虽然她依然没逃出波塞冬的泰迪爪。 两人的后代是 独眼巨人波吕斐摩斯 ,后者在奥德 …
Thoôsa — Wikipédia
Dans la mythologie grecque, Thoôsa (en grec ancien : Θόωσα / Thóōsa) est une Phorcyde, fille de Phorcys et Céto, sœur des Gorgones. Elle est connue pour avoir engendré avec Poséidon …
Thoosa Jewels
Thoosa Jewels ... Thoosa Jewels
Thoosa - Greek Mythology Wiki
Thoosa was a sea-nymph. She had a serpentine aspect, having a snake like tail bottom-half and a human top-half. She loved Poseidon. She then had a Kyklops son, Polyphemus. Phorkys & …
戈尔贡三姐妹 - 百度百科
戈尔贡三姐妹是希腊神话中的蛇发女妖三姐妹,居住在遥远的西方,是海神福耳库斯的女儿。 她们的头上和脖子上布满鳞甲,头发是一条条蠕动的毒蛇,长着野猪的獠牙,还有一双铁手和金翅 …
Thoosa, the mother of Polyphemus - Myths and sagas
Thoosa is a figure from Greek mythology, known as a sea nymph and the mother of Polyphemus, one of the Cyclops. She was a daughter of the sea god, Phorcys and was known for her …
Thoosa | Facts, Information, and Mythology - Encyclopedia Mythica
1997年5月4日 · Thoosa. One of the haliae, the daughters of Phorcys. She was loved by Poseidon and became by him the mother of Polyphemus.
Thoosa - Hellenica World
In Greek mythology, Thoosa was a Nymph, one of Poseidon's lovers and mother of the Cyclops Polyphemus. But Earthshaker Poseidon is a stubborn god, constantly enraged about the …