Thredolets - McMaster-Carr
Use these heavy duty fittings in high-pressure flow applications. 304 stainless steel fittings have very good corrosion resistance. 316 stainless steel fittings have excellent corrosion resistance. Tee outlets allow you to create a threaded outlet anywhere along a pipe. They are also known as branch connectors and are comparable to Thredolet.
2022年11月27日 · Thredolet® utilizes the basic Weldolet® however the branch affixes by way of a thread just inside the top of the olet. The bore matches the outlet bore, and the existence of this threading facilitates installation, as no welding is necessary. The Thredolet® is considered a threaded fitting, and manufactured in 3000# and 6000# classes.
螺纹管座 | Thredolet-上海希迪管件有限公司-石化工业管件,法兰及 …
螺纹管座又叫螺纹支管座、鞍座、支管台,主要用于支管连接的补强型管件,代替使用异径三通、补强板、加强管段等支管连接型式,具有安全可靠、降低造价、施工简单、改善介质流道、系列标准化、设计选用方便等突出优点,尤其在高压、高温、大口径、厚壁管道中使用日益广泛,取代了传统的支管连接方法,常用制造执行标准有MSS SP-97、GB/T19326。
Thredolet® Fittings - Threaded® Outlet Branch Connectors
Thredolet ® utilizes the basic Weldolet ® configuration, provides threaded pipe branch fittings and threaded outlet branch. manufactured in 3000# and 6000# classes.
What is a Threadolet Fitting? Threadolet Dimensions
A Threadolet is a self-reinforced branch connection pipe fitting that allows for the connection of a smaller diameter pipe to a larger one. It features a threaded connection on one end and a welded connection on the other.
Weldolets, Sockolets, Threadolets, Branch Fittings • Projectmaterials
THREDOLET. A Threadolet is a type of branch fitting that is used to provide an outlet from a larger pipe to a smaller one. Unlike Weldolets and Sockolets, which are designed for welding, Threadolets facilitate connections via threaded fittings.
Thredolet - Size to Size and Flat, ANSI Class 3000, FCS (in)
Threads in accordance with ANSI/ASME B1.20.1. This is a threaded connection used for making 90 degree branching from the main run of pipe. Flat thredolets are used on welding caps, elliptical heads and flat surfaces. Each outlet size is available to fit any run curvature.
2022年12月24日 · 焊接法兰是焊接颈法兰和假想焊接支管台的组合,而夹套法兰是焊接颈部法兰和夹套的组合。 A sockolet has the same basic design as a “weldolet” or “threadolet” where the major difference is that a sockolet has a socket for welding while the weldolet has got a buttweld connection. This makes a 90° branch and comes in full size or …
螺纹支管座 | Threadolet, 螺纹支管座, 螺纹支管台, MSS SP 97 供应
支管座是用于支管连接的补强型管件,也被称为支管台,代替传统使用的异径三通、补强板、加强管段等支管连接型式,尤其在高压、高温、大口径、厚壁管道中使用日益广泛,取代了传统的支管连接方法。 螺纹支管座 Thredolet基部与对焊支管台相同,但是其分支连接采用螺纹连接,不需要焊接。 承插支管座有3000#、6000#两个压力等级。 支管座是用于支管连接的补强型管件,也被称为支管台,代替传统使用的异径三通、补强板、加强管段等支管连接型式,尤其在高压、高温 …
Thredolet Specification: Size/ 尺寸: 1/2" NPS TO 4" NPS: Class/ 压力等级: 3000LB, 6000LB (SCH80/XS, SCH160) Type/ 连接形式: Threads: American National Standard Taper Pipe Threads: NPT(ANSI/ASME B1.20.1-1983) Also available in other thread forms: Rc, Rp, BSP, BSPT,BSPP and in any combination. Surface Treatment/ 表面处理