Three hares - Wikipedia
The three hares (or three rabbits) is a circular motif appearing in sacred sites from East Asia, the Middle East and the churches of Devon, England (as the " Tinners ' Rabbits"), [1] and historical synagogues in Europe. [2][better source needed] It is used as an architectural ornament, a religious symbol, and in other modern works of art [3][4 ...
2023年1月30日 · 来自英国的历史学家汤姆·格里夫斯 (Tom Greeves) 、纪录片摄影师克里斯·查普曼 (Chris Chapman) 和艺术史研究者苏·安德鲁 (Sue Andrew) 组成了一个研究会,致力于追踪一个神秘的“三兔”图案。 他们在英国德文郡的不少教堂里都发现了相似的三兔共耳图案。 三只兔子排列呈三角形,相邻的兔子共用一只耳朵。 尽管看上去三只兔子只有三只耳朵,但神奇的是无论从哪个角度欣赏,每只兔子都刚好有两只耳朵,这种视觉上重叠借用的艺术效果十分独特。 …
The 'three hares' motif is an ancient mystery for our times
2016年4月1日 · Three hares race round in an endless circle. Each has two ears, yet there are only three ears in total as each ear is shared by two hares. It’s a powerful image, puzzling yet satisfying. Tom...
The Three Hares - Sacred Medieval Westcountry Symbol
Our focus has been on recording Three Hares dating before the Reformation of the early 16th century, and we have found the motif occurring in Buddhist, Christian, Islamic and Jewish culture, in sacred or clearly special secular contexts, with the creatures usually described as …
The Mystery of the Three Hares Motif - Hyperallergic
2016年9月8日 · Released as a limited-edition book by Skerryvore Productions, The Three Hares: A Curiosity Worth Regarding was created by archaeologist Tom Greeves, art historian Sue Andrew, and photographer...
Three hares - Wikiwand
The three hares is a circular motif appearing in sacred sites from East Asia, the Middle East and the churches of Devon, England, and historical synagogues in E...
Three hares - Gods and Monsters
In the realm of myth and fantasy, where symbols often carry as much weight as the creatures themselves, the Three Hares present a mesmerizing enigma. This motif, a circular dance of …
What do the ‘three hares’ mean? - Core Spirit
2021年3月15日 · The three hares symbol on a 13th-century bell in the former Cistercian monastery of Kloster Haina, Germany, was believed to avert evil influences. Elsewhere in medieval Germany, in France and in Devon, it was seen as …
192 - Three Hares Homepage
Three hares are chasing one another in an everlasting circle. They share between them only three ears which form a triangle in the center of the design, yet each animal has two ears. The earliest known appearance of this motif is in the Mogao caves near Dunhuang in northwest China, which were created during the Sui to Tang dynasties (581-907 AD).
2023年1月8日 · 《三兔共耳图》位于407号石窟藻井顶部,三只兔子首尾相连,朝着同一个方向奔跑,似在前后追逐,闭合的画面,形成不会衰减的动势,寓意着吉祥圆满、生生不息。 而有趣的是,三只兔子仅有三只耳朵,但无论从任何一个角度来看都不会觉得违和,飞驰的三只兔子似乎都有自己的两只耳朵。 407号石窟断代为隋朝,即公元581-618年。 据此,目前史学界认为三兔共耳图案,最早在中国出现于距今约1400年前的隋朝,或许也有可能就起源于中国隋朝。 同时,在 …