THX- Home
THX was born—and made available to moviegoers with the release of Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi. Now, over thirty-five years later, products bearing the THX brand still ensure you’re getting the truest sense of the artist’s vision—audio and …
THX Deep Note – Our legendary sound
It is the deeply resonant chord that plays at the start of any THX Certified performance. The THX Deep Note was composed by Lucasfilm sound engineer Dr. James ‘Andy’ Moorer and was screened at the start of the 1983 premiere of Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi.
The THX Ultimate Demo Disc
The THX Ultimate Demo Disc is a demo DVD disc from 2002 which features all of the trailers up to that point, two of the sections from the THX WOW! demo LaserDisc, and a variety of musical clips...
THX products finder –THX Certified, THX AAA, THX Spatial Audio
Find all the THX Certified, THX AAA, and THX Spatial Audio devices right here.
THX - Wikipedia
THX Ltd. is an American audio company based in the San Francisco Bay Area. It is known for its suite of digital high fidelity audiovisual reproduction standards for movie theaters, screening rooms, home theaters, computer speakers, video game …
THX Ultimate Demo Disc (Demo DVD) : THX Ltd. : Free Download, …
An entire rip of the THX Ultimate Demo Disc DVD.
有关THX认证到底是什么 - 什么值得买
Jun 30, 2023 · THX是美国星际大战系列大导演 George Lucas 所提出的电影院播放系统,其目的是为了提高电影院的影片影音播放水准,以期使观众能完完全全感受到导演所要表达的东西。
THX、DTS、Dolby杜比,三者之间有什么区别 - 百度知道
THX是一种认证标准,不是音效标准。 基于这一点,THX和属于音效标准的DTS和杜比数字完全不同。 THX 标准与国际标准不同,大多数标准都有一个 允差 范围,但THX不设允差,只有一个最低要求,必须超过才能合格,消除了人为猫腻。 THX、DTS、Dolby杜比,三者之间有什么区别我们做过一个对消费者是否懂音响的调查,调查的结果是90%以上的客户都对音响是不懂的。 所以,在你下定决心准备在家来一套音响的时候,你就会听到销售人员不停的对你说,T.
3 家庭影院中获得THX认证的产品推荐 - 什么值得买
Jul 29, 2024 · 文中推荐的杰士THX Ultra2认证系列和THX Select认证系列的音响+安桥TX-RZ70或TX-NR7100的全景声组合,通过合理布局(依据空间大小)、科学搭配和正确的调试安装,才能获得我们想要的效果。
Nov 16, 2018 · thx基本上来说是对于器材及环境的一个要求,也算是一个后级处理而已,得到thx的认证, 代表着其音效表现有一定的水准, 当然thx是可与ac-3及dts相辅相成的,有了ac-3或dts系统,再加上thx的 认证更是如虎添翼,当然ac-3及dts的器材只要够水准,符合thx对于"音质表现"的标准 ...