Digital Copy DVD Video that came with my blu-ray disc of clone …
2008年11月16日 · the wmv folder probably has the wmv version and needs wmp and is the drm'd copy. fairuse4wm or freeme2 may help with that. to try and redo the drm code delete the drm folder on your computer and start over. there may a normal dvd version in the dvdrom folder.
Rip the THX Optimizer from a Blu-ray? - VideoHelp Forum
2014年7月10日 · rip (= copy while removing copy protection) the blu-ray to disk using MakeMKV (File-->Backup), then check which m2ts file inside the BDMV\STREAM folder contains the content you want Last edited by Selur; 10th Jul 2014 at 06:01 .
TAudioConverter 0.9.5-Multithreaded Audio Converter
2013年3月24日 · -Fixed: Output folder will be created only when necessary (thx to cengizhan and o-l-a-v)-Fixed: "Reset" button for temp directory did not work-Fixed: For portable version TAC will use current system's temp folder (thx to cengizhan)-Fixed: Nero options were not disabled if "Copy Audio" option was selected
Macrovision question - VideoHelp Forum
2020年3月29日 · To truly remove the artificial errors (anti-copy), as well as legit errors naturally occurring in the video signal, TBC is required. For this conversation, specifically, a framesync TBC that is designed for consumer sources (most DataVideo, most Cypress, though not all). Removal should be transparent to the source, or an improvement.
Copying from VCD to Hard Drive? - VideoHelp Forum
2003年1月15日 · Normally you just copy the .dat file back to your hard drive and use it just like you would use any .mpg file. If it bothers you rename it to .mpg most programs will handle it just like any other .mpg file I suggested TMPGEnc to stream the copy and make a new .mpeg file just in case there were small problems.
FFMPEG - X265 - Help for correct commands and syntax
1,2,3. Yes, it's default. Nothing to change. 4. -map 0 to map all streams from input to output. -c copy to avoid any subtitle format changes (but probably not needed)
Add sub to mp4 - VideoHelp Forum
2023年1月11日 · @echo off :: Video 'track name.mp4' must have matching 'track name.srt' if not exist New\ md New :: Add forced .srt subtitle track. for %%a in ("*.mp4") do if exist "%%~na.srt" ffmpeg.exe -i "%%a" -sub_charenc ISO-8859-1 -i "%%~na.srt" ^ -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -map 1:0 -disposition forced -avoid_negative_ts 1 -max_interleave_delta 0 ^ -c:v copy -c:a copy -c:s mov_text -metadata:s:s:0 language=eng ...
dmMediaEncoder v1.8.0 - crossplatform FFMPEG GUI
2014年5月1日 · dmMediaConverter is a crossplatform FFmpeg frontend (GUI) exposing some of its features. It is intended to be simple and easy to use but also to be able to achieve complex tasks.
Help with video Black Levels - VideoHelp Forum
2006年4月1日 · If your TV/monitor is calibrated to your regular DVD player (using the video playback THX test patterns available on some commercial DVD's like Ice Age, Star Wars, etc.), when you play a home made DVD that has incorrect black level you can usually tell right away... in most cases you will perceive the DVD as being washed out, with blacks that ...
[Release] WidevineProxy2 Extension; Bypass HMAC, 1-timetokens, …
2024年10月25日 · The text below is a copy of the README from its GitHub repository: Demo A demo video can be found here Features + User-friendly / GUI-based + Bypasses one-time tokens, hashes and license wrapping + JavaScript native Widevine implementation + Supports Widevine Device files + Manifest V3 compliant Widevine Devices