THX Deep Note – Our legendary sound
Just about anyone who has been in a cinema, car, or live event knows the THX Deep Note. It is the deeply resonant chord that plays at the start of any THX Certified performance. The THX Deep Note was composed by Lucasfilm sound engineer Dr. James ‘Andy’ Moorer and was screened at the start of the 1983 premiere of Star Wars: Episode VI ...
THX- Home
THX was born—and made available to moviegoers with the release of Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi. Now, over thirty-five years later, products bearing the THX brand still ensure you’re getting the truest sense of the artist’s vision—audio and …
THX - Wikipedia
THX Ltd. is an American audio company based in the San Francisco Bay Area. It is known for its suite of digital high fidelity audiovisual reproduction standards for movie theaters, screening rooms, home theaters, computer speakers, video game …
Deep Note - Wikipedia
The Deep Note is the sound trademark of THX, being a distinctive synthesized crescendo that glissandos from a relatively narrow frequency spread (about 200–400 Hz) to a broader frequency spread (of about three octaves).
THX - Our history and mission
From our inception, THX has been known for optimizing audio and visual quality for a wide range of entertainment experiences. We started in the cinema, and today take that same experience anywhere and everywhere—in the cinema, at home, or on the go.
thx 和 tks 到底哪个是正确的使用方法? - 知乎
thx 是正确写法,是根据读音来缩写,奈何用tks的人太多,导致tks老外也能看明白,但是老外真不用tks,要么全拼要么thx , th组合发音是[θ], 维基百科 也只收录了thx的写法,或许将来也会录入tks,毕竟用的人多了也很难再去纠正了
用“Thx”表示Thanks,这种缩写方式正确吗?(附相关例句及英文 …
2018年12月8日 · 根据美国网站PC.net,Thx的用法属于general (not just online),即:普遍(不仅限于“在线”使用,生活中也常用)。“It is often used to send a quick reply to someone”(该词用于给别人发送一条快速回复)。
THX - Closing Logos
THX officially stands for "Tomlinson Holman's EXperiment". THX certifies fine-tuned home theater equipment, TiVo DVRs and some PCs. They have previously certified physical media such as VHS, LaserDisc, DVD and Blu-ray (and HD-DVD; Brave Story only) films from major studios, as well as video games.
谢谢的英文(谢谢的英文缩写是THX还是THS) - 老杨知识
2024年10月9日 · 在网络聊天用语中,THX也代表Thanks,但没有TKS使用的普遍。 同时也有人用TY来代表Thank you。 实际上,TKS是中式表达,不符合英语习惯,THX和THKS是符合英语习惯的用法,真正的老外只使用后两种;另外,TY代表Thank you老外也不常用。
THX Certified Receiver - Best Buy
Be overwhelmed by the hyper-realistic THX Certified Select reference experience, and explore the master-quality IMAX Enhanced film library. Unique functions such as Front-to-Height stereo switching for ambient background listening, DSP vocal/dialog enhancement, and practical GUI functions simplify everyday operation.