zn-thx21-sa 额定规格/性能 传感头部 注1. 有时由于使用期间传感器表面粘附了不纯物质及污渍,引起精度恶化。因此建议每年校正1次。 2. 长期放置在湿度80%rh以上的环境中,湿度测量值或有偏差。此时,请放置在常温常湿处1日以上。 3.
ZN-THX21-S 温湿度站/种类 | OMRON Industrial Automation
* 带校正证明书购买时,请选择该型号。 *1. 使用磁铁时,抗振性为55Hz以下。 (附带工作站部安装螺丝2个) *2. 工作环境. *3. 支持Ver. 2.2.1以上版本。 *4. 各机型可连接传感器的数量总共 …
PX 大通 THX21 家庭劇院專用 光纖數位線 1M - PChome 24h購物
PX 大通 THX21 家庭劇院專用 光纖數位線 1M - 》PX大通 專業線材, 中心導體採超高耐磨壓克力 三層保護結構.防干擾.抗微震.耐高溫 24k鍍金接頭,高忠實傳送,原音重現 , 找PX 大通 THX21 家庭劇院專用 光纖數位線 1M推薦就來PChome 24h購物,多元支付,超值,優惠,可靠迅速 ...
Precision measurement of differential pressure between inside and outside of clean room or booth. Continuously and accurately measures airborne particle count. Directly measures falling dust that threatens product quality. Centralized data management through a LAN network. Easy network connection through Ethernet.
Precision measurement of temperature and humidity around production lines and equipment. Equipped with an SD card slot. LAN port connection makes it possible to easily construct monitor systems. The PC Software Multi Data Viewer Light* available easy …
ZN-THX21-S 溫濕度站/型錄 | OMRON Industrial Automation
ZN-THX21-S 規格說明書 -[1475KB] 2024年3月21日 . 20240321. ZN-THX21-S 規格說明書: English Global Edition ...
ZN-THX21-S系列选型手册样本 / ZN-THX21-S系列操作手册说明书
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ZN-THX21-S Thermo-Humidity Station/Specifications - Omron
Thermo-Humidity Station Precision measurement of temperature and humidity around production lines and equipment.
ZN-THX21-S Thermo-Humidity Station/Catalog | OMRON …
Thermo-Humidity Station Precision measurement of temperature and humidity around production lines and equipment.
ZN-THX21-SA No. 2907299 Manufacturer Part#:ZN-THX21-SA Product Category: Sensors, Transducers Manufacturer: Omron Automation and Safety Description: THERMO/HUMIDITY LOGGER More Detail: N/A Series: * Part Status: Active. If you need more information about this product or datasheet of Original manufacture ,please send an email to us and we will