The International 2022 - Liquipedia Dota 2 Wiki
It was announced that the second and third place teams from each region's qualifiers will compete in a Last Chance Qualifier prior to The International to determine two additional qualification spots - thus expanding the amount of teams in the group stage from 18 to 20 teams. [1]
2022年Dota 2国际邀请赛 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2022年Dota2国际邀请赛 (TI11)是 威尔乌公司 和PGL举办的第十一次 Dota 2国际邀请赛,是 Dota 2 一年一度的 电子竞技 锦标赛,也是该项目的最高等级赛事。 该项赛事于2022年10月15日至30日在 新加坡 新達城 和 国家室内体育馆 举行,是该锦标赛首次在东南亚地区举行。 [4][5] 本届赛事的总奖金池为1890万美元,不到 上届 的一半,但仍是2022年奖金最高的电子竞技赛事。 [3] 最终 Tundra Esports 在总决赛以3比0击败 Team Secret 获得冠军。 [6][7] 积分循环小组赛。 …
DOTA2国际邀请赛 - 百度百科
DOTA2国际邀请赛(The International DOTA2 Championships,简称:Ti)2011年起由ValveCorporation(V社)主办的全球性的电子竞技赛事,每年一届,奖杯为V社特制冠军盾牌,每一届冠军队伍及人员将记录在游戏泉水的冠军盾中。
The International - Liquipedia Dota 2 Wiki
The International, often abbreviated as TI, is an annual tournament organized by Valve. In 2015 Valve founded the Dota Major Championships which incorporates The International into its structure, with The International being the final tournament of the season.
The International 2022 - Wikipedia
The International 2022 (also known as TI 11 and TI 2022) was the 11th iteration of The International, an annual Dota 2 world championship esports tournament hosted by Valve, the game's developer.
《DOTA2》TI11国际赛落幕:Tundra 3:0夺得总冠军 - 快科技
北京时间10月30日,2022年国际邀请赛周末总决赛中,我们再度见证了新王的诞生, Tundra成为TI历史上第10支夺冠队伍。 在首先进行的败者组决赛中,Secret 2:1战胜Liquid,晋级总决赛。 这场比赛过后,Liquid战队的Carry选手MATUMBAMAN正式退役,走完了他充满传奇的DOTA2职业生涯。 随后在总决赛中,Tundra以3:0的比分战胜了Secret,夺得了2022年国际邀请赛的冠军。 双方战队在三局比赛中为献上了精彩的对决,但Tundra以无与伦比的游戏理解和战术执行彻底碾 …
Dota 2 Esports
Tune into the biggest esports tournament of the year — broadcasting live from Singapore with the Aegis of Champions on the line. The International is the ultimate crucible — where the finest Dota teams in the world forge eternal legacies and put all other challengers to rest.
TI introduces the world's smallest MCU, enabling innovation in the ...
2025年3月11日 · The new MCU expands TI's MSPM0 MCU portfolio, which enhances sensing and control in embedded systems while shrinking cost, complexity and design time. DALLAS, March 11, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Texas Instruments (TI) (Nasdaq: TXN) today introduced the world's smallest MCU, expanding its comprehensive Arm ® Cortex ® …
TI11 results, prize pool distribution and more - Esports.gg
2022年10月30日 · All you need to know about The International 11 (TI11): Regularly updated results, format, exclusive interviews and more coverage.
The International 2022 - All Results, Scores & Standings
2022年10月14日 · Dota 2's The International 11 (TI11) has arrived and puts the greatest teams in the world at center stage as they battle it out for the most prestigious prize of all: the Aegis of …
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