TI-92 series - Wikipedia
The TI-92 series are a line of graphing calculators produced by Texas Instruments. They include: the TI-92 (1995), the TI-92 II (1996), the TI-92 Plus (1998, 1999) and the Voyage 200 (2002). The design of these relatively large calculators includes a QWERTY keyboard.
TI-92系列 - 计算器百科 - calcwiki.org
TI-92系列是德州仪器推出的一系列带有 计算机代数系统 (CAS)的图形计算器。 该系列计算器也是德州仪器最早的带有CAS的图形计算器和配备三维图形绘制功能的计算器。 其CAS系统同时也为 TI-Nspire 系列计算器的CAS系统设计打下了基础, TI-Nspire 系列计算器的CAS系统在很多地方沿袭了TI-92的CAS系统的设计。 TI-92系列计算器采用了“横向长于纵向”(而非一般计算器的“纵向长于横向”)的外观设计,以及和电脑键盘类似的按键布局,加之其硕大的体积,使得TI-92系列 …
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Texas Instruments TI-92 Plus Graphing Calculator
1999年8月10日 · With built-in geometry software and a powerful math engine, the TI-92 Plus is useful in all high school and college math classes. Enhanced with Flash technology, this handheld gives you the flexibility to add calculator software applications and additional functions beyond math and science, providing long-term value.
- 3.8/5(110)
Comparison of Texas Instruments graphing calculators
There are several companies that manufacture models of graphing calculators. Texas Instruments is a major manufacturer. The following table compares general and technical information for a selection of common and uncommon Texas Instruments graphing calculators.
TI-89 / TI-92 Plus Guidebook - Texas Instruments - US and Canada
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