Edge AI technology | TI.com - Texas Instruments
Experience fast, secure AI at the edge with our sensing, processing, and control products. Backed by decades of expertise in digital signal processing (DSP), our technology enables powerful algorithms that transform data to solve complex problems for perception, real-time monitoring and control, and audio AI applications.
边缘 AI 技术 | TI.com.cn
借助 TI 的 Edge AI Studio,轻松开始开发您的嵌入式神经网络应用。该平台提供 GUI 和基于命令行的工具,旨在加速在 TI MCU 和处理器上开发边缘 AI 应用。应用程序的示例。TI MCU 和处理器上的应用。 这些工具使用 PyTorch、TensorFlow 和 ONNX 等开源框架和格式构建。
邊緣 AI 技術 | TI.com - Texas Instruments
利用專為加速 TI MCU 和處理器上的邊緣 AI 應用開發而設計的 TI Edge AI Studio - GUI 和命令行式工具,輕鬆開始進行您的嵌入式神經網路應用。 TI MCU 和處理器上的應用。
EDGE-AI-STUDIO IDE、配置、编译器或调试器 | 德州仪器 TI.com.cn
Edge AI Studio 是旨在加速 TI 处理器和微控制器边缘 AI 开发的一系列图形和命令行工具。 无论是使用 TI Model Zoo 中的模型还是利用您自己的模型进行概念验证开发,Edge AI Studio 都能为您提供所需的工具。
New TI MCUs enable edge AI and industry-leading real-time …
2024年11月11日 · Empowering smarter, more efficient systems through edge AI-enabled MCUs Engineers today are challenged to design systems that can make accurate, intelligent decisions in real time to perform functions such as arc fault detection in solar and energy storage systems and motor-bearing fault detection for predictive maintenance. As the industry's ...
边缘 AI 用例 | TI.com.cn
片上神经网络处理单元 (npu) 比软件实现的 ai 模型处理速度快 5 到 10 倍,允许同一个 mcu 同时进行多通道电弧故障检测和功率转换控制。 ti 提供了完整的开发工具链和 sdk,使客户可以快速完成边缘 ai 解决方案开发的所有步骤。
GitHub - TexasInstruments/edgeai-tidl-tools: Edgeai TIDL Tools …
Edge AI Studio: Integrated development environment for development of AI applications for edge processors, hosting tools like Model Composer to train, compile and deploy models with click of mouse button and Model Analyzer to let you evaluate and analyze deep learning model performance on TI devices from your browser in minutes
Edge AI | TI.com - Texas Instruments
Evaluate embedded deep learning inference at no cost. Our easy-to-use software development environment lets you: TI Edge AI Cloud enables evaluation of Jacinto™ TDA4VM processors. Use the model selection tool to quickly compare and locate a model from TI Model Zoo that is right for the task at hand.
Edge AI Studio - Texas Instruments
Edge AI Studio is a collection of tools that enable development, benchmarking and deployment of AI applications. Model Composer is a fully integrated no-code solution for training and compiling models for deployment into edge AI applications.
TI 推出全新处理器,推动边缘AI普及并使其功耗减半 - 嵌入式处理
TI 将于 2022 年 6 月 21 日至 23 日在德国纽伦堡的 Embedded World 展会( 215 号展位)上展出全新的 AM62 处理器,并演示适用于边缘 AI 和电动汽车充电 HMI 应用的系统级解决方案。