XPS (Thermo Scientific, Sigma Probe) was used to analyze the layered oxides and nanosheets. A monochromatized X-ray source (Al Kα, hν = 1486.6 eV) was used for the XPS measurements. For these measurements, a Pt substrate (in nanosheet/Pt film) was used to determine the Fermi level.
XPS study of TiOx thin films deposited on glass substrates by …
1998年11月1日 · Thin TiO x films deposited on quartz substrates have been studied using XPS and X-ray diffraction (XRD). It is found that different titanium oxide species coexist in the films. The dependencies of these species on the calcination temperature and …
High-resolution XPS spectra of Mg 1s, Co 2p, Ni 2p, Zn
As a type of titanate, the pseudobrookite (MTi2O5/M2TiO5) exhibits a low thermal expansion coefficient and thermal conductivity, as well as excellent dielectric and solar spectrum absorption...
XPS Spectra Analysis of Ti2+, Ti3+ Ions and Dye ... - Springer
2017年12月31日 · FT-IR spectra show that Ti atoms are bonded to silica by oxygen bridging atoms in Ti-O-Si bonds. The titanium valence states in TiO2-SiO2 mixed oxides were investigated by XPS, and their spectra report the presence of Ti2+ and Ti3+ cations for high silica concentration, suggesting the formation of oxygen vacancies.
Typical high-resolution XPS spectra of the (a) Ti (2p), (b) O (1 s ...
For titanium, the XPS spectra of Ti2p (Figure 4, first column) are characterized by double peaks, Ti2p 1/2 from 457.9 eV to 458.5 eV and Ti 2p 3/2 from 463.6 eV to 464.2 eV, which correspond to...
X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) Reference Pages
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS or ESCA) curve fitting procedures, reference materials and useful notes are listed here to provide a starting point for the consistent interpretation of XPS spectra.
作气压410pa, 衬底与靶距离为中, xps 测试表 明薄膜中钛氧比均为1∶2. 氧分压对薄膜成分 影响不大, 是由于一定能量的钛的化学活性强, 易于氧化的缘故. 不同氧分压下薄膜的xrd 结果如图3 所 示. 当a r∶o 2= 5∶1 时, 只出现金红石相, 当
Ti 2p XPS spectrum of as-prepared TiO2 - ResearchGate
The XPS analysis confirmed the formation of structural disordering associated with oxygen vacancies. The highest piezoelectric charge coefficient of 193 pC/N was found for BHT-5 (5% Hf).
用XPS比较TiO2,Ti2O3和Ti金属的Ti 2p核心能级峰,Surface …
1998年7月1日 · These spectra compare the Ti 2p core-level XPS line shape for atomically clean, stoichiometric samples of Ti, Ti2O3, and TiO2; the latter two are UHV-cleaved or fractured single crystals. The Ti0 and Ti4+ peaks of Ti metal and TiO2, respectively, exhibit the simple shapes expected for such core levels.